List of Flowers Name with Pictures

Hay! Do you know all the flower’s names? No!, don’t worry from today you’ll not be in trouble with “flower name”. Here, I have shared a complete “List of flower names” with pictures that help you find the best one.

learning what the name of flowers is, not only those that you see in your surroundings but from all over the world could be fascinating and also an activity that will aid in improving your vocabulary knowledge.

It will be possible to discover the names of several varieties of flowers in this post as well as a bit of depth about some of the most popular flowers that you’ll see.

Importance of Flowers Name

What is the name of the flower? We’re all familiar with the term “flower” Flowers are a distinct component of a plant, which is also known as the reproductive component. 

They are composed of seeds, petals pollens, angiosperms, and gymnosperms that play a role in the reproduction of plant seeds as well as the development of vegetables or fruits. Let’s see the list of flower names in English.

flower names
flower names in English

List of 100 flowers names in English

S. NoFlowers ImagesFlowers Name
1. List of Flowers Name with PicturesLotus
2.List of Flowers Name with PicturesDaisy
4.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPeriwinkle
5.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBlack Rose
6.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWaterlily
7.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLavender
8.List of Flowers Name with PicturesJasmine
9.List of Flowers Name with PicturesDaffodil
10.List of Flowers Name with PicturesTulip
11.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMarigold
12.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLilly
13.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSunflower
14.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHibiscus nameRose
16.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBluebottle
17.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSnapdragon
18.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPot Marigold
19.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHyacinth
20.Sweet JasmineSweet Jasmine
21.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBorage
22.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHedysarum
23.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHollyhock
24.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBindweed
25.List of Flowers Name with PicturesImpatiens
26.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBasil
27.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBramble
28.List of Flowers Name with PicturesVinca
29.List of Flowers Name with PicturesYucca
30.List of Flowers Name with PicturesGlory Lily
31.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHolly
32.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPeacock Flower
33.List of Flowers Name with PicturesFlowering quince
34.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHepatica
35.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHoneysuckle
36.List of Flowers Name with PicturesYew
37.List of Flowers Name with PicturesAspen
38.List of Flowers Name with PicturesAmerican ash
39.List of Flowers Name with PicturesForsythia
40.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWeigela
41.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLimelight hydrangea
42.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLobelia
43.List of Flowers Name with PicturesAloe
44.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSpirea
45.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSummer lilac
46.List of Flowers Name with PicturesShrub rose
47.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBegonia
48.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPansy
49.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWormwood
50.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWallflower
51.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPeppermint
52.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPeony
53.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPasqual flower
54.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPersian Candytuft
55.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWreath of Roses
56.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMeadow saffron
57.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSea Lavender
58.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSnowdrop
59.List of Flowers Name with PicturesAster
60.List of Flowers Name with PicturesHonesty
61.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWillowherb nameCelosia nameAcanthus nameWood sorrel
65.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPrimrose nameJasmine nameSilverweed nameSensitive plant
69.List of Flowers Name with PicturesChrysanthemum nameTuberose
71.List of Flowers Name with PicturesCalendula
73.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMezereon
74.List of Flowers Name with PicturesWood Anemone
75.List of Flowers Name with PicturesTeasel
76.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMilkwort
77.List of Flowers Name with PicturesYellowroot
78.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSweet William
79.List of Flowers Name with PicturesPomegranate
80.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMyrtle
81.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMarigold
82.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSuccory
83.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMeadowsweet
84.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMexican Prickly Poppy
85.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMarshmallow
86.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLily
87.List of Flowers Name with PicturesZinnia
88.List of Flowers Name with PicturesLarkspur
89.List of Flowers Name with PicturesCornflower
90.List of Flowers Name with PicturesMoonwort
91.List of Flowers Name with PicturesParijat
92.List of Flowers Name with PicturesIndian coral tree flower
93.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSaucer Magnolia
94.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBauhinia
95.List of Flowers Name with PicturesSita Ashok flower
96.List of Flowers Name with PicturesCherry blossom
97.List of Flowers Name with PicturesChrysanthemum
98.List of Flowers Name with PicturesCalla Lily
99.List of Flowers Name with PicturesCarnation
100.List of Flowers Name with PicturesBegonias

More about Some Common Flowers Name

Name of FlowerAbout it
HibiscusHibiscus is one of the flowering plant genera within the mallow family called Malvaceae. The genus is very large with over a hundred species native to subtropical, warm temperate and tropical regions across the world.
DaisyThe delicate simplicity and real beautiful daisies have transformed the flower into an international symbol of innocence and purity.
TulipTulips are a genus that is flowering, spring-blooming perennials that are herbaceous and bulbifer. The flowers are generally huge, showy, and vibrantly coloured, usually yellow, pink, red or white.
LotusNelumbo nucifera also referred to as the sacred lotus, Laxmi lotus, or Indian lotus also known as a lotus is one of two species of aquatic plant that belongs to the family of nelumbo.
BluebottleCentaurea Cyrus, also known as bachelor’s button or cornflower, is an annual flowering plant of the Asteraceae family that is native to Europe.
GeraniumGeranium is one of the genus that comprises 422 species of biennial, annual and perennial plants that are often referred to as cranesbills, geraniums, or geraniums.
CinquefoilPotentilla is a genus that contains more than 300 species of biennial, annual or perennial flowers belonging to the Rose family Rosaceae. Potentillas are also known as fiveuefoils in English
BlackthornPrunus spinosa, also known as blackthorn, also known as sloe, is an invasive species of flowering plant belonging to the rose family of Rosaceae.
BurdockArctium is one of the genera that include biennial plants that are commonly referred to as burdock, a family of Asteraceae. Originating from Europe and Asia
BryonyBryonia is a genus of flowering plants in the gourd family. Bryony is its best-known common name.
SummersweetClethra alnifolia, the coastal sweet pepper bush or summersweet, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Clethra of the family Clethraceae
BarberryBerberis, commonly known as barberry, is a large genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs from 1– 5 m tall, found throughout temperate and subtropical regions of the world.
AbeliaAbelia is a previously recognized genus that contained about 30 species and hybrids, placed in the honeysuckle family
BladderAraujia sericifera is a perennial vining plant in the genus Araujia, of the family Apocynaceae, Araujia sericifera which is also known as Bladder.

Gardens Flowers Name

  1. Jasmine
  2. Poppy
  3. Marigold
  4. Hibiscus
  5. Rose

Purple flowers name

flower names
Purple flower names in english

Different Colors Flowers Name

Yellow Flowers Name

  1. Sunflowers
  2. Daffodils
  3. Marigolds
  4. Tulips (some varieties)
  5. Buttercups
  6. Yellow roses
  7. Black-eyed Susans
  8. Goldenrod
  9. Yellow dahlias
  10. Yellow lilies

Red Flowers Name

There are many types of white flowers, including:

  1. White roses
  2. Lily of the valley
  3. White tulips
  4. White daisies
  5. White orchids
  6. White carnations
  7. White peonies
  8. White hydrangeas
  9. White irises
  10. White camellias

Red Flowers Name

There are many different types of red flowers. Here are some common ones:

  1. Red roses
  2. Red poppies
  3. Red tulips
  4. Red carnations
  5. Red geraniums
  6. Red daisies
  7. Red peonies
  8. Red dahlias
  9. Red lilies
  10. Red zinnias
  11. Red Hibiscus
  12. Red anthuriums
  13. Red begonias
  14. Red petunias
  15. Red marigolds

Purple Color Flowers name

  1. Balloon
  2. Zinnia
  3. Morning Glory
  4. Wild Hyacinth
  5. Lilac
  6. Geranium
  7. Candytuft
  8. Bellflower
  9. Anemone
  10. Cyclamen
  11. Crocus
  12. Pansy
  13. Italian Aster
  14. China Aster
  15. Cosmos

Blue Flowers Name

There are many types of blue flowers, here are some common names:

  1. Bluebells
  2. Delphiniums
  3. Iris
  4. Forget-me-nots
  5. Hydrangeas
  6. Blue poppies
  7. Cornflowers
  8. Grape hyacinths
  9. Lupins
  10. Salvia

Pink Flowers Name

Pink Roses – These are one of the most popular pink flowers, and are often associated with love and romance.

Peonies – These large, fluffy flowers come in shades of pink and are known for their sweet fragrance.

Carnations – These hardy flowers come in many different shades of pink and are often used in bouquets and arrangements.

Cherry Blossoms – These delicate pink flowers are a symbol of spring and are highly regarded in Japanese culture.

Sweet Peas – These fragrant pink flowers grow in clusters and are a popular choice for gardens and bouquets.

Camellias – These beautiful pink flowers have a waxy texture and are often used in floral arrangements.

Hibiscus – These tropical flowers come in many different colors, including shades of pink.

Azaleas – These bushy plants produce clusters of pink flowers in the spring.

Cosmos – These daisy-like flowers come in shades of pink and are a popular choice for gardens.

Geraniums – These hardy plants produce clusters of pink flowers and are often used in window boxes and hanging baskets.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is another name for a flowering plant?

The Flowering plants are plants that bear flowers and fruits

What is the common name for the October birth flower?

Marigold and Cosmos.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.