Rapidex English speaking Course | Rapidex english speaking course in english Free Download

So, Finally, you want to speak English and Now you are looking for Rapidex English speaking course pdf. Let’s download rapidex English speaking course in English.

English Speaking has become very essential for us nowadays and everyone wants to speak English. But they have a problem to find which books will be the best for them. 

But don’t worry guys you don’t need to buy any books for English Speaking. I am sharing one of the legendary books that will help you to learn and speak English from basics to advance. Even that I have also shared all Basics to advance structures for English speaking click here

Rapidex English speaking course book pdf

Rapidex English Speaking book,  I think you may have listened to this book name since your childhood. This book is for those person who don’t have basic skills in How to speak English in front of any other. As well as you can learn advanced skills in English speaking.

Why I am recommending this book?

If you read this book. It will boost your confidence to speak in English very less time. You will be surprised to know this book is read by millions of people per year in the world. 

  • It helps millions of people  to learn 
  • It is very easily can be understood.
  • Fluently speaking in English.
  • Anyone can understand any language.

Rapidex English Speaking Course Pdf

Book: Rapidex English Speaking Course pdf


Binding:- Paperback

Edition:- October 2019-2024

Size:-140MB approx

Publication:- Pustak Mahal

How do I learn English at home?

Rapidex English Speaking Course Book will be better if you want to start from the basics. English has now become the basic language of billions of people because it Remarks English easy to learn. 

Now Rapidex English Speaking Course Book pdf lettest version is available to download. 

How do I speak English confidently and fluently?

I think this question have been arise in your mind many times. My dear friends asking such a question is not just for you it is everyone’s problem.

Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF is here and you can download it when you open this you don’t need to ask such questions because here is the content in a strategic manner all points have been discussed for beginners.

It is the best book to learn English which helps people to learn English from the basics in a very short period of time. This book is for everyone even if you are a child, younger, an Adult, or a professional it will help to improve your communication skills.

This book especially covers those things that are necessary for basic English speaking, Rapidex English Speaking Course book is a book written mainly in English and Hindi

In 2021 English speaking is very necessary for Everyone because of the lockdowns you have had so many times and still many colleges of schools are not open to reading rapidex English-speaking courses. You can get a new skill and this will help you to grow in your carrier,

You can use Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF, properly, all of you should follow the guidelines given by Spoken English Tips, in which it is recommended to all of you guys for 1 day of the Rapidex English Speaking Course To complete the course in each day. It means to say that learning English in the Rapidex English Speaking Course book You will strictly follow the method explained and you will be able to learn English easily only after following it

Candidates who want to buy this book they can also buy Rapidex English speaking course book from Amazon. Also, those who want to download only pdf they can download it. I would like to recommend you to buy this book if you are capable.

Rapidex English Speaking Book Review

Download Latest Rapidex English Speaking Course, Download in 2021 New publication and this is the updated Version of Rapidex English Course Free

Latest Rapidex English Speaking Course

Rapidex English speaking Course | Rapidex english speaking course in english Free Download



1. Salutation Words in English अंग्रेजी में अभिवादन के प्रचलित वाक्य

2. Good Manner Words in English अंग्रेजी में शिष्टाचार के कुछ वाक्य

3. Exclamation Words in English अंग्रेजी में भावबोधक शब्द

4 Frequently used phrases अधिकांश प्रयोग किए जाने वाले वाक्यांश

5. Alphabet वर्णमाला

  • Capital and Small Letters बड़े और छोटे वर्ण
  • Calligraphy सुलेखन

6. Pronunciation of Alphabet वर्गों का उच्चारण, वर्ण उच्चारण, संयुक्त-अक्षर,

  • Diphthong रोमन लिपि में हिन्दी

7. Mute Letters and Capitals मूक और बड़े अक्षर

8. Numerals संख्याएं

  • Cardinals प्रधान अंक
  • Ordinals क्रमसूचक अंक
  • Abbreviation संक्षिप्त रूप
  • Roman अंक
  • Multiplicative Numbers गुणात्मक संख्याएं,
  • Fractional Numbers अंशवाचक संख्याएं

9. Days and Week दिन और सप्ताह

10. Year and Months वर्ष और महीने


1. Noun संज्ञा

2. Number वचन

3. Genetive सम्बन्धकारक

4. Pronouns सर्वनाम

  • Personal Pronoun पुरषवाचक सर्वनाम
  • Possessive Pronoun संबंध वाचक सर्वनाम
  • Reflexive Pronoun आत्मवाचक सर्वनाम
  • Relative Pronoun संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम
  • Interrogative Pronoun प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम
  • Demonstrative Pronoun संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम
  • Universal Pronoun यूनिवर्सल सर्वनाम

5. Contraction संकुचन

6. Affirmative स्वीकारात्मक

7. Negative नकारात्मक

8. Has/Have/Had के संकुचित रूप

9. Wil/Would के संकुचित रूप, अन्य सहायक क्रियाओं, (Helping Verbs) के संकुचित रूप

10 . The Sentence वाक्य

  • Statements कथनात्मक
  • Interrogative प्रश्नवाचक
  • Imperative आदेशात्मक
  • Exclamatory विस्मयादिबोधक

11. Negative Sentences नकारात्मक वाक्य

12. Question Form प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य

13. Yes-no type हां-ना प्रकार

14. Wh-type डब्ल्यू. एच. प्रकार

15. Alternative type विकल्पी प्रकार

16. Tag-type टैग प्रकार

17. Declarative type घोषणात्मक

18. . Imperative Sentences आदेशात्मक वाक्य

  • Commands without subject कर्ता-विहीन आदेश
  • Commands with subject कर्ता-सहित आदेश
  • Command with Let लेट-सहित आदेश
  • Negative Commands नकारात्मक आदेश
  • PersuasiveCommands प्रेरणात्मक आदेश

19. Miscellaneous Model Sentences विविध नमूने के वाक्य

20. Articles

21. Some Auxiliary Verbs कुछ सहायक क्रियाएं

  • Can/could; May/might; Shall/should; will/would; Must/ought to/used; Dare/dare say/need

22. Verbs and their three Forms क्रियाएं और उनके तीनों रूप

23. Present Tense वर्तमान काल

  • Indefinite अनियत वर्तमान
  • Negative Interrogative, Tags रूप
  • Present Continuous अपूर्ण वर्तमान
  • Present Perfect पूर्ण वर्तमान काल
  • Prefect Continuous पूर्णात्मक अपूर्ण वर्तमानकाल

24.Past Tense भूतकाल

  • Past Indefinite अनियत/अनिश्चित भूतकाल
  • Past Continuous अपूर्ण भूतकाल
  • Past Perfect पूर्ण भूतकाल,
  • Past Perfect Continuous पूर्णात्मक अपूर्ण भूत, मिले-जुले वाक्य

25. Future Tense भविष्यतकाल

  • Future Indefinite अनिश्चित भविष्यतकाल
  • Future Continuous अपूर्ण भविष्यतकाल
  • Future Perfect पूर्ण भविष्यतकाले
  • Future Perfect Continuous पूर्णात्मक अपूर्ण भविष्यतकाल

26 मिले जुले वाक्य

27.Active and Passive Voice कर्तृ और कर्म वाच्य

28. Some Adverbs and Conjunctions कुछ क्रिया विशेषण और समुच्चयबोधक

  • Also/only; Even/too; Either…or; Neither…nor; Whether…or; Not only but also; Hardly! scarcely; And so forth/and so on, Let alone; No sooner…. than/although….Yet/last….should;
  • rather than/no less; than/too/…to

29. Preposition पूर्व सर्ग

  • Simple and Complex Prepositions, स्थान-सूचक; समय-सूचक, हेतु, कारक उद्देश्य-सूचक, विरोध,छूट, निष्कर्ष, स्रोत, आशय-सूचक

30. Comparative and Superlative Words तुलना और सर्वश्रेष्ठतासूचक शब्द

31. Transformation of Sentences वाक्य-रूपांतरण

  • Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative; Interchange of Affirmative and Negative; Interchange of Assertive and Exclamatory; Remove “too”; Interchange, of Degrees of Comparison

32. Spelling वर्तनी/हिज्जे

33. What time is it? क्या बजा है?

34. Idioms मुहावरे

35. Direct and Indirect Speech प्रत्यक्ष और परोक्ष कथन

36. Punctuation विराम चिह्न



  1. • My Motherland मेरी, मातृभूमि
  2. • Politeness and Etiquette विनम्रता और शिष्टाचार
  3. • Body,Health and Beauty शरीर, स्वास्थ्य और सौंदर्य
  4. • Greeting and Gratitude अभिवादन और आभार
  5. ० Home and Family घर और परिवार
  6. • Books and Reading पुस्तकें और अध्ययन
  7. • Trees, Plants and Vegetation पेड़, पौधे और वनस्पतियां
  8. • Cautions and Signals सावधानियां और संकेत
  9. • Work and Rest परिश्रम और विश्राम
  10. • We and Weather हम और मौसम
  11. • Leisure and Pleasure फुर्सत और मनोरंजन
  12. • Pleasures and Pain खुशियां और गम
  13. • Childhood, Youth and Old Age बचपन, यौवन और बुढ़ापा
  14. • Bazar and Shopping बाजार और खरीदारी
  15. • Dealings and Occupation लेन-देन और धन्धा
  16. • Dress and Food वेशभूषा और खान-पान
  17. • Feelings and Emotions भाव और मनोविकार

Anger क्रोध,

Affection स्नेह,

Quarrel झगड़ा

(iv) Foregiveness क्षमा

Advice and Opinion सलाह और सम्मति

• Birds and Beasts पक्षी और पशु

• Love and Marriage प्रेम और विवाह…

• Office and Bank दफ्तर और बैंक



  • Father and daughter पिता और पुत्री
  • Mother and son मां और पुत्र
  • Talking to a girl एक लड़की से बातचीत
  • Talking to a boy एक लड़के से बातचीत
  • Conversation between two students दो विद्यार्थियों की बातचीत
  • Getting ready for office ऑफिस जाने की तैयारी
  • Arrival of a guest मेहमान के आगमन पर
  • Talking to a servant नौकर से बातचीत
  • A birthday party जन्म दिन पर
  • Meeting on the way राह पर चलते हुए
  • At the bus stop बस स्टाप पर
  • Talking to the class teacher कक्षा अध्यापक से बातचीत
  • At bookseller’s shop किताबों की दुकान पर
  • Booking a trunk call टूक काल बुक करना
  • At the general store जनरल स्टोर पर
  • At the departmental store डिपार्टमेंटल स्टोर पर
  • On the Railway Platform रेलवे प्लेटफार्म पर
  • An accident एक दुर्घटना
  • At the Airport हवाई अड्डे पर
  • At the Bank opening account बैंक में खाता खोलना
  • Visiting a patient बीमार को देखना
  • Asking the address पता पूछना
  • Facing an interview साक्षात्कार के समय
  • Financial matters अर्थ सम्बन्धी बातचीत
  • Day to day difficulties दैनिक कठिनाइयां


Word formation and Vocabulary 

  • Affixation (अफिक्सेशन)
  • Affixation उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय का प्रयोग, नकारात्मक उपसर्ग, विपरीतार्थक उपसर्ग, अपकर्षक उपसर्ग, अवस्था-आकार-सूचक उपसर्ग, व्यवहार-सूचक उपसर्ग, स्थान-सूचक उपसर्ग, समय-सूचक उपसर्ग, संख्या-सूचक उपसर्ग, अन्य उपसर्ग,

• Suffix प्रत्यय, संज्ञा प्रत्यय, विशेषण प्रत्यय, क्रिया से संज्ञा बनाने वाले प्रत्यय, विशेषण से संज्ञा बनाने वाले प्रत्यय, क्रिया बनाने वाले प्रत्यय, संज्ञा से विशेषण बनाने वाले प्रत्यय, अन्य प्रत्यय Compounds संयुक्त शब्द,

• Reduplicatives, Conversion रूपांतरण, Blends सम्मिश्रण

• Compounds (कम्पाउण्ड्स ) संयुक्त शब्द

• Words often confused उलझाने वाले शब्द

• Nationality words राष्ट्रीयता सूचक शब्द

• Antonyms विलोम शब्द

• Some foreign words and phrases in English अंग्रेजी में कुछ विदेशी शब्द और वाक्यांश

• One word substitution अनेक के स्थान पर एक शब्द

• Animals cries and other sounds जानवरों की बोलियां और अन्य आवाजें

  • Collective phrases समूहवाचक वाक्यांश
  • Some set comparisons कुछ निश्चित उपमाए


Translation अनुवाद

ANNEXURE (परिशिष्ट)


Dictionary (डिक्शनरी)

PART EIGHTH आठवां भाग (परिशिष्ट-2)

स्मृतिवर्धक टिप्स


अंग्रेजी सीखने की प्रभावी तकनीक

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Rapidex CD Video & Audio Course

Rapidex CD video course contains the complete Rapidex video Siri with audio of the English spoken course if you want to learn English from the Rapidex English speaking course book then you also download the free Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF along with the Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF and CD video course this will help you to learn Rapidex English speaking course book in a visual form so that you will be able to understand the Rapidex English Speaking Course grammar and translation concept in a very good and clear way so that you will be able to grasp the knowledge of spoken English.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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