Singe means to burn slightly.To remove the nap of (cloth), by passing a rapidly over a red- hot bar, or over a red hot flame, preliminary to dyeing it. Or To remove the hair or down from (a plucked, chicken etc.) by passing it over a flame.

Singe Meaning in Hindi

Hindi meaning: Jhulas Jana, Thoda Daag, Thoda Jalana, Jalaana

​Pronunciation  with Meaning






​​​​Jhulas Jaana

Definition and Information about”Singe”

Definition of Singe : singe is a slight scorching, burn or treatment with flame. This may be due to an accident.

Meaning of Singe in English : scorch, burn, sear, char, blacken

Tags: Hindi meaning of Singe, Singe meaning in hindi, Singe ka matalab hindi me, Singe translation and definition in Hindi language.Singe हिंदी में जाने |

Singe meaning in hindi (Verb)

झुलस जानाथोड़ा जलनाथोड़ा जलानाजलानाझुलसनाझुलसाना

Sentenses of “Singe” meaning

1. I singed my hairs

2. My eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames.

3. Chicken has been completely singed.

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  • Singer गवैया,  गायक, गानेवाला

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.