Top 5 tips for spoken word tips, Quick and easy tips to make your poetry performance or reading more natural and enjoyable for you and your audience. Poetry is for everyone – have fun with it!
Here are 5 tips to help you do just that tip number one score your poem once you’ve chosen which poem you’d like to do spend some time with the text scoring your script which simply means going through and highlighting the words. you might want to emphasize jotting down ideas for movement and marking where you might want to speed up slow down or pause for the effect I sometimes use the musical notation for this like crescendo and staccato but you can use whatever system works best for you make choices that are natural for the poem if you’re doing a dramatic poem.
Top 5 Tips for Poetry Performance
1. Score Your Poem
2. Find Your Pace
3. Use Good Diction
4. Use Natural Movement
5. Be Natural and Have Fun
Top 5 Tips for spoken word tips, Poetry
like Jabberwocky or The Raven, you can have a lot more fun exaggerating the movement and voice if you’re doing a simpler more realistic poem you’re going to want to keep your choices natural and real. Once you’re finished scoring your poem your script is going to look like a big or mess like mine for Jabberwocky. Roadmap for your performance and you’re
ready to rehearse tip number two find your pace often when people get in front of an audience or a camera the adrenaline kicks in and they start talking a mile a minute remember that a poem is a little story and you want to be sure that your audience understands the beginning the middle and the end. slowing down will ensure that that happens one thing to look out for here is how you handle line breaks of course poems are written in lines, but that doesn’t mean you have to pause at the end of every single one doing so would result in a very choppy unnatural reading so save your pauses for where you see the punctuation often the poem itself.
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