Top 18 Questions on System programming: Definition

By Alex

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System Programming

Hey, are you looking for questions and answers about system programming? Then you are correct place. I will be happy to share with you all the definitions with questions and answers of system programming. As you know, system programming is a subject which is a part of graduation Like Btech, BCA, etc. Most of the students searched regarding system programming questions and answers.

But now you don’t need to worry about it. I have shared all the important questions and answers That will be very important for your exam Perceptions.

What is system Programming?

Learning about machine structure, the evolution of the components of a programming system, assembler, Lueders, macros, compilers and formal systems etc. are called system programming.

In simple words, Learning system programming with computer system software includes computer hardware interfaces with a programmer or the user.

Define System software

Software is a set of instructions or programs written to carry out certain tasks and digital computers.

System software is responsible for the working of the computer. It was developed to make the computer better adapted to the needs of the users. It helps the users to focus on an application. Or the problem to be solved without needing to know the details of how the machine works internally.

What is application software?

Application software comprises program design for an end user, such as word processors, database systems, and spreadsheet programs. or

System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and provides and maintains a platform for running applications software.

Application software refers to all programs which are used by the user of a computer to help him perform his day-by-day activities like maintaining his accounts, writing letters, etc. Application software is primarily concerned Vision of some problem using the computer as a tool. It includes programs that do real work for users. Some important application software includes payroll systems, inventory systems, student management systems, library management systems, and so on.

Application software is a program used for a specific purpose. Different organizations need different application programs specific to their need.

Difference between system software and application software?

NoSystem SoftwareNoApplication Software
1 It is used in the operation of the computer.1 It is used to perform some user task.
2 It is machine-dependent software.2 It is machine-independent software.
3The programmer should know the architecture of the computer.3Not necessary to know the architecture of the system.
4System software is not meant to be run by the end user.4Application software can be run by the end user.
5Examples consist of a compiler, loader, operating system, assembler, etc.5 Examples consist of inventory, payroll Preparation, banking system, etc.

Explain the components of system software.

The various components of system software are:

  1. Assemblers.
  2. Loaders.
  3. Macros.
  4. Compilers and interpreters.
  5. Operating system.

Explain the compiler, assembler and loader.

Assembler: Assembler is a program that translates the assembly language program (source code) into machine language program (object code).

Loader: A loader is system software that loads the program into memory and prepares them for execution.

Macros: Macro processor is a program that substitutes and specializes in macro definitions for macro calls.

Compilers: A compiler is a program that accepts a source program “in the high-level language “and produces its corresponding object program.

What are the functions of a loader? Explain.

The loader is the part of the operating system that loads the object programs into memory and prepares them for execution.

The purpose of the loader is to assure that object programs are placed in memory in an executable form.

Once the assembler produces an object program, that program must be placed into memory and executed. If the assembler does this, it leads to

  • Wastage of memory since the assembler itself occupies more space in memory during execution and
  • Wasting translation time because of re-translation of the program with each execution.

Define macros and macro processors.

Macro definition is a sequence of code that has your name.

Macro are single-line abbreviations/names for the same group of instructions.

Micro call is the occurrence of the macro name in the source program as an operation mnemonic to be expended.

Micro processor is a program that substitutes the definition for all occurrences of the micro call (abbreviations) in the program.

What is an operating system?

An operating system (OS) is a program that controls the execution of an application program and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and computer hardware.

An operating system can be thought of as having 3 objectives or performing 3 functions.

  1. Convenience: An operating system makes a computer more convenient to use.
  2. Efficiency: An operating system allows computer system resources to be used in an efficient manner.
  3. Ability to evolve: An operating system should be constructed in such a way as to permit the effective development, testing, and introduction of new system functions without interfering with current services.

What are formal systems? Give examples.

A formal system is an uninterrupted calculus. It consists of.

  • An alphabet.
  • A set of words called axioms and
  • A finite set of relations is called rules of interference.

Examples of formal systems are set of theory, Boolean algebra, post systems and Backus normal form.

What are the applications of formal systems?

Applications of formal systems are as follows.

  • Used in the design, implementation, and study of programming languages.
  • Used to specify the Syntax and semantics of programming languages.
  • Used in the syntax-directed compilation, Compiler verification and complexity studies of languages.

Explain the open subroutine and closed subroutine.

Noopen subroutineNoclosed subroutine
1A closed subroutine will be stored outside the main routine and there is a transfer in control to the subroutine for processing it.1Open subroutine or macro definition is one whose code will be inserted at the point of function call within the main definition.
2Large-size macros can be executed, any number of times.2If the macro definition is very large and if you call these functions frequently
shortage of memory may occur.
3There is an overhead of transferring the control to the function and returning back which takes time.3Saves time because there is no overhead of program control transfer and return.
4Performs two tasks which are the transfer of control and the transfer of data.4Performs only one task ie Insert a macro
5Saves memory5Wastage of memory
6Closed subroutines are loaded into memory at a specific address.6Open subroutines are loaded into memory at different memory locations. i.e based on the location of the calling macro

Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.

1 Translates the entire program at once.1Translate and executes the source code line by line.
2Re-translation is required only when you modify the source code. The compilation code can be stored and used for Re-execution.2Re-execution requires re-translation as the translated code is not saved.
3Compilation and execution are two separate stages in the case of compiled languages.3No separate stages such as the compilation and execution stages. At runtime itself, the source code is translated and executed.
4Not suitable for testing and debugging.4Ideal for testing and debugging.
5Text more main memory.5Text List main memory because Interpreted. languages are simple.
6All syntax errors would have been removed at compilation time itself. Hence the chances of program failure at runtime are very less.6Execution of a program stops abruptly in presence of errors. At the runtime itself, both logical and syntax errors will come to the surface.
7Examples of compilers are C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN etc.7Examples of Interpreted languages are BASIC, LOGO, etc.
8 Security for the source code.8 No security for the source code. Interpreter.

Differentiate between procedure and program.

1 A procedure is a set of instructions required to perform a particular task.1A program is a set of instructions which directs the computer to perform specific tasks and produce certain results.
2 It is a software program.2Programs are executable files.
3 The procedure is executed using a processor.3Programs are interrelated with computer hardware and computer software.

Differentiate between procedure and processor.

1 A procedure is a set of instructions required to perform a particular task.1A processor is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory.
2 It is a software program.2It is a hardware device.
3 The procedure is executed using a processor.3The processor performs the operations based on a procedure.

Define multiprogramming.

Multiprogramming means multiple programs reside in separate areas of memory at the same time.

Define Multiprocessing.

Multiprocessing means more than one processor operating on the memory simultaneously. Sisters.

See More Definitions


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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