50 Different Types Trees Name in English with Pictures

Hi! Everyone, Do you wanna know about the list of Trees name in English? Today I gonna help you to resolve your problem. I have collected All lists of Trees Name in English for you. Also with the help of this article, you will be able to simply learn the names of all different types of trees in English, which will always be beneficial to you.

Trees Name

Trees Name in English: We are all aware that trees play an important function in our ecosystem. Different varieties of trees can be found in woods around the world, some of which are tall, some very tall, some little, and some extremely small.

There are certain common trees and fruit trees that provide simple and nutritious fruits that we can eat, and some people use the wood of the trees. In the summer, we also benefit greatly from the shade of trees.

50 List of Trees Names in English

trees names in english
Trees Names in English picture

Types of Trees

We are all aware of the crucial role that trees play in our environment. Across various regions of the globe, forests harbor diverse tree species that vary in size and stature, from towering giants to petite saplings.

Some of these trees bear succulent fruits that are both delectable and nourishing, while others offer precious timber that we utilize in numerous ways. Additionally, the shade that trees provide during the scorching summer months is a boon that we all relish.

Indeed, trees are a veritable treasure trove that blesses us with a multitude of benefits, both tangible and intangible. Let’s explore 100 trees name in english.

50 Trees name in English

  • Birch
  • Grapevine
  • Cane
  • Flax
  • Toona
  • Mast Tree
  • Guava Tree
  • Jack Fruit Tree
  • Coconut Tree
  • Betel Nut Tree
  • Apricot Tree
  • Bael Tree
  • Gulmohar Tree
  • Curry Tree
  • Eucalyptus Tree
  • Mohwa Tree
  • Amla Tree
  • Papaya Tree
  • Khejri Tree (Shami)
  • Bamboo
  • Peepal
  • Oak
  • Date Palm
  • Sheesham
  • Ironwood
  • Alstonia
  • Walnut
  • Nutmeg 
  • Jute
  • Sapodilla
  • Delonix Regia
  • Deodar Cedar
  • Cactus
  • Ebony
  • Mango Tree
  • Banana Tree
  • Tamarind Tree
  • Bastard Teak
  • Sorrowless Tree
  • Rudraksha Tree
  • Banyan
  • Babul (Acacia)
  • Neem
  • Sandalwood
  • Pine
  • Teakwood
  • Casuarina Tree
  • Custard Apple Tree
  • Cannon-Ball Tree
  • Palm Tree
  • Apple Tree
  • Sal Tree
  • Pomegranate Tree
  • Rubber Plant
  • Conifer
  • Cypress
  • Polyalthia
  • Sassafras
  • Shadbush
  • Red Spruce
  • White Spruce
  • Sycamore
  • Tulip Tree
  • Black Walnut
  • Black Willow

List of Big Trees Names in English

  1. Teakwood Tree
  2. Banyan Tree
  3. Peepal Tree
  4. Oak Tree
  5. Tamarind Tree

Trees name in English in Details

1. Banyan

different types of trees

When a banyan’s seed germinates in a crack or fissure of a host tree or building, it becomes an epiphyte or a plant that grows on another plant.

2. Teakwood


Teak is a Lamiaceae (tropical hardwood tree) species. It’s a huge deciduous tree found in mixed hardwood woods.

3. Peepal


Ficus religiosa, sometimes sacred fig, is a species of fig native to India and Indochina that belongs to the Moraceae, or fig or mulberry family. The bodhi tree is also known as the Pipal tree, peepul tree, peepal tree, pipal tree, or ashvattha tree.

4. Oak


Oak is a tree or shrub of the beech family Fagaceae’s genus Quercus. There are around 500 species of oaks left on the planet.

5. White Pine

 White Pine

White pine is a tall tree with soft, flexible needles. Its bark is smooth and grayish, and the tree is known for its straight trunk. White pine trees are often found in forests and are used for making wood products like furniture and lumber.

6. Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

Ficus elastica, also known as the rubber fig or rubber tree plant, Indian rubber bush Indian rubber tree is a flowering plant belonging to the family of Moraceae indigenous to the parts of eastern South as well as Southeast Asia.

7. Apple Tree

Apple Tree

An apple is a palatable fruit that is produced by the apple tree. Apple trees are grown worldwide as they are among the commonly cultivated species belonging to the Genus Malus.

8. Sal Tree

Sal Tree

Shorea robusta, also known as the sal tree, also known as shala, sakura, or Sarai, is a kind of tree belonging to the family of Dipterocarpaceae.

9. Pomegranate Tree

Pomegranate Tree

It is a deciduous fruiting plant belonging to the family Lythraceae Subfamily Punicoideae It can grow from 5 to 10 meters tall. The pomegranate first was identified across the Mediterranean region.

10. Conifer


Conifers are cone-bearing seeds, one of the gymnosperms. Scientifically speaking, they form the division Pinophyta and are sometimes referred to as Coniferophyta as well as Coniferae.

11. Polyalthia


Polyalthia is one of the genera of flowers belonging to the family of Annonaceae. There are around 90 species that range across Africa up to Asia as well as the Pacific. These are mainly shrubs and trees.

12. Sassafras


Sassafras is the name of a species comprising three extinct as well as one species that has gone extinct of the deciduous trees belonging to the family of Lauraceae indigenous to the eastern region of North America and eastern Asia.

13. Shadbush


Amelanchier is also known as shadbush or hardwood, the shadblow as well as saskatoon, juneberry, sugarplum, wild-plum, or chuckles pear is a genus that includes around 20 species of deciduous-leaved small trees and shrubs that belong to the family of roses.

14. Red Spruce

Red Spruce

Picea rubens, more commonly referred to as red spruce is a type of spruce indigenous to the eastern part of North America, ranging from the eastern part of Quebec to Nova Scotia.

15. White Spruce

White Spruce

Picea Glauca, also known as the white spruce is a spruce species that is native to boreal and northern temperate forests of North America.

16. Mohwa Tree

Mohwa Tree

The Mohwa tree (Madhuca longifolia) is a species of tree found in tropical regions of India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia.

It belongs to the family Sapotaceae and is known for its edible fruit, which is sweet and juicy.

The tree is also used for its oil, which is extracted from the seed and used for cooking and lighting. In addition, the wood of the Mohwa tree is used for construction and furniture.

17. Amla Tree

Amla Tree

Amla tree (Phyllanthus emblica) is a medium-sized deciduous tree found in tropical and subtropical regions of India, Sri Lanka, and other parts of Southeast Asia.

It is known for its small, round, green fruit which is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

The tree has many medicinal properties and is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat various ailments such as indigestion, fever, and respiratory problems.

18. Papaya Tree

Papaya Tree

The Papaya tree (Carica papaya) is a tropical fruit-bearing tree that can grow up to 10 meters in height. It is native to Mexico and Central America but is now widely cultivated in tropical regions worldwide.

The tree bears large, cylindrical, green fruit that ripen to yellow or orange. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and enzymes that aid in digestion.

Papaya tree leaves are also edible and are used in many traditional dishes and medicinal remedies.

19. Khejri Tree

Khejri Tree

The Khejri tree (Prosopis cineraria) is a species of leguminous tree that is native to the arid regions of India, Pakistan, and Rajasthan.

The tree can grow up to 15 meters in height and has a deep taproot that allows it to survive in conditions of low rainfall and high temperatures.

The tree is known for its medicinal properties and its leaves, pods, and bark are used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as fever, diarrhea, and skin diseases.

20. Bamboo


Bamboo is a type of grass that is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is known for its fast growth and versatility as a resource.

Bamboo can be used for construction, furniture, paper production, textiles, and even as a food source.

The strong and durable nature of bamboo makes it a popular building material, especially in areas where other resources may be scarce.

Bamboo also has medicinal properties and has been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as fever, pain, and wound healing.

100 Trees Name in English

  1. Oak
  2. Maple
  3. Pine
  4. Cedar
  5. Birch
  6. Willow
  7. Poplar
  8. Elm
  9. Redwood
  10. Sequoia
  11. Cherry
  12. Walnut
  13. Ash
  14. Mahogany
  15. Sycamore
  16. Hemlock
  17. Cypress
  18. Douglas Fir
  19. Spruce
  20. Beech
  21. Fir
  22. Alder
  23. Chestnut
  24. Hickory
  25. Pecan
  26. Dogwood
  27. Ginkgo
  28. Sassafras
  29. Red Maple
  30. White Pine
  31. Black Walnut
  32. Silver Maple
  33. Boxelder
  34. Larch
  35. Red Cedar
  36. Cottonwood
  37. Red Oak
  38. White Oak
  39. Black Cherry
  40. Sugar Maple
  41. Yellow Birch
  42. Paper Birch
  43. Blue Spruce
  44. White Birch
  45. Norway Spruce
  46. Western Red Cedar
  47. Black Locust
  48. Catalpa
  49. White Cedar
  50. Red Mulberry
  51. Black Oak
  52. Sweetgum
  53. Black Gum
  54. Osage Orange
  55. Eastern Redbud
  56. Eastern Hemlock
  57. Tulip Tree
  58. Hackberry
  59. American Hornbeam
  60. American Chestnut
  61. White Ash
  62. Butternut
  63. Red Mulberry
  64. Black Locust
  65. Quaking Aspen
  66. Tamarack
  67. White Poplar
  68. Balsam Fir
  69. Red Spruce
  70. Scotch Pine
  71. Pitch Pine
  72. Longleaf Pine
  73. Shortleaf Pine
  74. Loblolly Pine
  75. Slash Pine
  76. Eastern White Pine
  77. Virginia Pine
  78. Jack Pine
  79. White Spruce
  80. Engelmann Spruce
  81. Sitka Spruce
  82. Bald Cypress
  83. Black Birch
  84. Yellow Poplar
  85. Eastern Cottonwood
  86. American Sweetgum
  87. American Beech
  88. Water Oak
  89. Shagbark Hickory
  90. Shellbark Hickory
  91. Bitternut Hickory
  92. White Mulberry
  93. Black Willow
  94. Weeping Willow
  95. Black Cherry
  96. Pin Cherry
  97. Choke Cherry
  98. Serviceberry
  99. Hawthorn
  100. Blackthorn

FAQs on Trees

1. What is an example of a tree?

An example of a tree is an oak tree.

2. What are the examples of trees for Class 3?

Examples of trees for Class 3 could include oak trees, pine trees, maple trees, palm trees, and apple trees.

3. What are trees for Class 5?

In Class 5, students might learn about different types of trees, their parts, and their importance in the environment.

4. What are the 10 uses of trees?

The uses of trees include providing oxygen, offering shade, producing fruits and nuts, providing wood for construction and furniture, purifying the air, providing habitat for wildlife, preventing soil erosion, absorbing carbon dioxide, and beautifying the environment.

5. What are trees for Class 7?

In Class 7, students might study more advanced topics related to trees, such as their role in ecosystems, conservation, and the impact of deforestation.

6. What are trees Class 1?

In Class 1, students may learn about the basic characteristics of trees, such as their tall trunk, branches, leaves, and roots.

7. What do trees give us Class 7?

In Class 7, students might learn that trees provide us with a wide range of benefits, including oxygen, wood, fruits, and shade, and they also help in controlling air pollution and supporting biodiversity in ecosystems.

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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