The Most Common Business Management Degree Abbreviation

Business Management Degree Abbreviation

In the 21st century, there is so many Business degree abbreviation available either for school or degree colleges. Sometimes it is very confusing to understand the difference between them. Sharing with you some most popular business management degree abbreviations.

Business Management Degree Abbreviation

BS: Bachelor of Science

BA: Bachelor of Arts

BSB: Bachelor of Science in Business

BSBA: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

BA: Bachelor of Arts

BBA: Bachelor of Business Administration

MIAS: Master of International and Area Studies

MIB: Master of International Business

EMSMOT: Executive Master of Science in Management of Technology

EMST: Executive Master of Science in Taxation

EMPA: Executive Master of Public Administration

EMS: Executive Master of Science

MAcc: Master of Accountancy

MAIS: Master of Accounting and Information Systems

MBA: Master of Business Administration

MBE: Master of Business Education

BPA: Bachelor of Public Administration

MHRM: Master of Human Resources Management

MIA: Master of International Affairs

MBI: Master of Business Informatics

MBS: Master of Business Studies

MFA: Master of Fine Arts

EMSM: Executive Master of Science in Management

IMBA: International MBA

MHR: Master of Human Resources

See Also


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