Interjection meaning in Hindi with examples

Interjection meaning in Hindi with examples

An interjection is a word or group of words that express emotion. They can show happiness, surprise, anger, impatience, and many other emotions. Rules of exclamatory sentences:- Examples:-  Exclamatory sentence

Distributive Pronoun Definition Grammar

Distributive Pronoun Definition Grammar

Pronoun means for-a-noun. A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Learn complete parts of the pronoun which is useful for your spoken English. A pronoun is a

Alphabets Pronunciation Hindi to English

Alphabets Pronunciation Hindi to English

Alphabets Pronunciation Hindi to English Hindi is also like English Alphabets, has vowels and consonants. Here you will familiar with Hindi Varnmala into English. learn alphabet pronunciation hindi to english.

44 ways to say i miss you

44 ways to say i miss you

Hello, guys, many of you have questions that how many ways to say I miss you in many ways because saying only one word, again and again, It looks odd