Active passive voice examples with answers

Learn Active passive voice examples with answers. Voice is what describes the relationship between the Subject and the Verb that expresses the action. In Active voice, the subject appears to be doing the action. In Passive voice, the subject appears to be receiving the action.

In English Grammar, Verbs are words to show action. Verbs have five properties i.e. known as a person, number, voice, mood, and tense. We’re talking about voice here. The active passive voices are the two grammatical voices.

Let’s Learn Active and Passive Voice Comparison. Change Active into passive voice examples with answers.

Structure – Subject + verb + object + Other Words

Structure – Object + helping verb +  V3 + By + Object + Other words

Active Voice SentencePassive Voice Sentence
The cat chased the mouse.The mouse was chased by the cat.
She baked a delicious cake.A delicious cake was baked by her.
They are building a new house.A new house is being built by them.
The teacher corrected the students’ papers.The students’ papers were corrected by the teacher.
He wrote an interesting novel.An interesting novel was written by him.
The company will launch a new product.A new product will be launched by the company.
The dog found the lost keys.The lost keys were found by the dog.
They have painted the walls blue.The walls have been painted blue by them.
The storm destroyed the entire village.The entire village was destroyed by the storm.
She will announce the winner tomorrow.The winner will be announced by her tomorrow.

Active And Passive Voice Examples For All Tenses

Structure  – Object + am/is/are + v3 + by + Sub + other Words.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
The cat catches the mouse.The mouse is caught by the cat.
She writes a letter.A letter is written by her.
He eats an apple.An apple is eaten by him.
They play football.Football is played by them.
We watch a movie.A movie is watched by us.
The teacher explains the lesson.The lesson is explained by the teacher.
The dog chases the squirrel.The squirrel is chased by the dog.
Mary bakes a cake.A cake is baked by Mary.
The children sing a song.A song is sung by the children.
Tom opens the door.The door is opened by Tom.

Present Continues Tense

Active – sub + is/am/are + V(1st+ing) + obj.
Passive – Obj + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
She is washing the dishes.The dishes are being washed by her.
He is mowing the lawn.The lawn is being mowed by him.
They are building a house.A house is being built by them.
We are watching a movie.A movie is being watched by us.
The dog is chasing the cat.The cat is being chased by the dog.
She is baking a cake.A cake is being baked by her.
He is playing the guitar.The guitar is being played by him.
They are cleaning the room.The room is being cleaned by them.
We are reading a book.A book is being read by us.
The kids are drawing pictures.Pictures are being drawn by the kids.

Present Perfect Tense

Active – Sub + has/have + V3 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + has/have + been + V3 + by + Sub.

Active VoicePassive Voice
I have cleaned the room.The room has been cleaned by me.
She has written a book.A book has been written by her.
They have finished their homework.Their homework has been finished by them.
He has eaten all the cake.All the cake has been eaten by him.
We have planted flowers in the garden.Flowers have been planted in the garden by us.

Past Indefinite Tense

Active – Sub + V2 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + was/were + V3 + by + Sub.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
The cat chased the mouse.The mouse was chased by the cat.
She baked a cake for the party.A cake was baked for the party by her.
They planted trees in the garden.Trees were planted in the garden by them.
He repaired the broken car.The broken car was repaired by him.
The teacher explained the lesson to the students.The lesson was explained to the students by the teacher.
We painted the walls yellow.The walls were painted yellow by us.
The chef cooked a delicious meal.A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
They built a new house in the neighborhood.A new house was built in the neighborhood by them.
She wrote a poem for her friend.A poem was written for her friend by her.
He fixed the leaking faucet.The leaking faucet was fixed by him.

Past Continuous Tense

Active – Sub + was/were + V(1st + ing) +Obj.
Passive – Obj + was/were + being + V3 + by + Sub.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
I was eating dinner.Dinner was being eaten by me.
She was watching a movie.A movie was being watched by her.
They were playing football.Football was being played by them.
He was reading a book.A book was being read by him.
We were listening to music.Music was being listened to by us.
You were cooking dinner.Dinner was being cooked by you.
The cat was chasing a mouse.A mouse was being chased by the cat.
The children were laughing.Laughter was being heard from the children.
The students were studying for the exam.The exam was being studied for by the students.
The car was being repaired by the mechanic.The mechanic was repairing the car.

Past Continuous Tense

Active – Sub + had + V3 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + had been + V3 + by + Sub.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
The cat had caught the mouse.The mouse had been caught by the cat.
She had finished her homework.Her homework had been finished by her.
They had painted the room blue.The room had been painted blue by them.
He had fixed the broken chair.The broken chair had been fixed by him.
We had eaten dinner together.Dinner had been eaten together by us.
I had written a letter to her.A letter had been written to her by me.
The team had won the match.The match had been won by the team.
The students had completed the project.The project had been completed by the students.
He had repaired the car.The car had been repaired by him.
They had booked a hotel room.A hotel room had been booked by them.

Future Indefinite Tense

Active – Sub + will/shall + V1 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + will/shall + be + V3 + by + Sub.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
The teacher will teach the lesson.The lesson will be taught by the teacher.
They will build a new house.A new house will be built by them.
We will plant flowers in the garden.Flowers will be planted in the garden by us.
He will write a book.A book will be written by him.
The company will launch a new product.A new product will be launched by the company.
She will prepare dinner for us.Dinner will be prepared by her.
They will fix the car tomorrow.The car will be fixed by them tomorrow.
We will organize a party next week.A party will be organized by us next week.
The doctor will examine the patient.The patient will be examined by the doctor.
He will paint the room blue.The room will be painted blue by him.

Future Perfect Tense Examples

Active – Sub + will/shall + V1 + Obj.
Passive – Obj + will/shall + be + V3 + by + Sub.

Active SentencePassive Sentence
I will have completed the project by tomorrow.The project will have been completed by me by tomorrow.
She will have baked a cake for the party.A cake will have been baked by her for the party.
They will have finished their homework before school starts.Their homework will have been finished before school starts.
He will have painted the entire room by next week.The entire room will have been painted by him by next week.
We will have booked the tickets by this evening.The tickets will have been booked by us by this evening.
The team will have won the championship by the end of the year.The championship will have been won by the team by the end of the year.

Examples Of Active And Passive Voice With Their Answer

Active Voice SentencePassive Voice Sentence
The cat chased the mouse.The mouse was chased by the cat.
She baked a cake.A cake was baked by her.
They built a house.A house was built by them.
He fixed the car.The car was fixed by him.
The teacher teaches the students.The students are taught by the teacher.
The chef cooked a delicious meal.A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
The company developed a new product.A new product was developed by the company.
We painted the room blue.The room was painted blue by us.
The dog chased the ball.The ball was chased by the dog.
They wrote a book.A book was written by them.

Active Into Passive Voice Exercises With Answers

Active SentencePassive Sentence
They clean the house every day.The house is cleaned every day by them.
She sings a beautiful song.A beautiful song is sung by her.
The teacher is explaining the lesson.The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
We will finish the project tomorrow.The project will be finished by us tomorrow.
He painted a picture of the sunset.A picture of the sunset was painted by him.
They have eaten all the cookies.All the cookies have been eaten by them.
She is writing a letter to her friend.A letter is being written to her friend by her.
We can solve the problem together.The problem can be solved together by us.
He will buy a new car next month.A new car will be bought by him next month.
They had already booked the tickets.The tickets had already been booked by them.

Active Passive Voice Infographic

active passive voice

Now, coming to the point. This is the only article where you will come to know complete details about Active passive voice read this post entirely, I ‘swear’ you will not disappoint. Keep reading active passive voice for more info.

active passive voice

Active Passive Voice

Active Passive Voice, As we know voice means sound. In simple words ‘Voice’ says that a sentence can be spoken in different ways.


He writes a letter A letter is written by him.

In this sentence subject (letter) is not working but work has been completed by him who works as an agent.

Why do we need to Learn Active Passive voice?

Now, most people think that why do we need to learn voice? What is its importance? let’s understand with an example.

We can relate to our daily life. As you want variety in your food. Suppose you will be provided only Rice and pulses and only one kind of vegetable, I don’t think you will like these types of meals.

So what do you change your meals your food evening, and morning in your daily routine? That’s why English is also like that it needs variety. And if you speak English using an active passive voice, It seems like a professional English speaker.

Now the question is How can I learn active passive voice easily? So, you don’t need to worry. Read this complete article. Learn Here Active passive voice examples

What is the difference between Active Voice and Passive

Here are the differences between active voice and passive voice.

Active and Passive Voice

Active voice

Active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the
verb. The active voice has a forceful, direct, and unambiguous tone in its sentences.

In other words, you may understand that whatever we have learned till now like tenses, sentences, or translations all are in active voice.

The active voice has a forceful, direct, and unambiguous tone in its sentences. Here are a few simple and brief examples of active voice.

Active Voice Examples

1. Sanju and Ravi make noise.

2. Children like sweets.

3. We respect him.

4. A boy is teaching.

5. He is learning to program.

Above all the sentences are Active voice examples and have structures: Subject + Verb + Object.

From the first sentence, Sanju and Ravi are the subject and performs the action described by noise (verb). The subject Children perform the action described by Sweets.

The subject performs the action described by Respect. The subject a boy performs the action described by the teaching. The subject performs the action described by the program.

Subjects’ actions are: make, like, respect, teaching, and learning. It means the subject always reminds “action”.

Passive voice

What is passive voice?

A sentence is in the passive voice. The subject is being acted upon, tell us what is done to someone or something.

Definition: A verb is said to be in the passive voice when the person or thing denoted by the subject does not act but suffers the action done by someone

Passive voice Examples

1. Noise is made by Sanju and Ravi.

2. Sweets are kicked by children.

3. He is respected.

4. A boy is taught.

5. Program is learned by Him.

active and passive voice

When we should use active verbs?

When the subject works as a doer then the sentence should be in active voice. Commonly we use sentences in active voice.

Ex- He has gone from here.

When we should use the Passive verb?

  • When we say something to another person in our language. 
  • When it is obvious to the listener or reader who the agent is:
  • When a work has been completed by another person but we don’t know about him then we use Passive Voice

Example: A postman was instructed, A lot of money was stolen by a thief, Mr. Mahatma Gandhi has said that everyone should be polite.

How to change the Active voice into the passive voice?

  • Find the Subject, Object, and Verb in a Sentence.
  • Find the Tense of the sentence.


 A.V — S (Subject)+ V (Verb) + O (Object)

 P.V — O (Object) + V (Verb) + S (Subject)

Rules to change active voice into passive voice with Examples:

1.  Use an Object as the subject of the sentence.

A.V- He eats panipuri

P.V- Panipuri is eaten by him.

2. Subject works as an agent and before that, we use By to change the active voice into the passive voice.

Note: In most of cases it is not always used by to change into passive voice.


Police arrested the thief.

Theif was arrested.

In these types of sentences, it is not necessary to use By just because It is their official work.

3. In Active sentences If the object is in the form of an Objective case then by changing into a passive voice Objective case is changed into a Nominative case. And Subject of active voice changed into an Objective case.

For example :

I beat him. — (A.V)

He is beaten by me. — (P.V)


Nominative CaseObjective Case
We us 

4. Subject Someone, somebody, nobody, people or any uncertain noun/pronoun cannot use in passive voice so discard these words when you change into passive.


    A.V- Someone has broken my heart.

    P.V-  My heart has been broken.

5. Helping verbs of the sentence should be changed by the Subject of the sentence, and the main verb always changed into V3 form(Past participle).


1. I like him.

He is liked by me.

2. He played Football.

Football was played by him.

3. I love to eat mango.

Mango is loved by me.

4. He has completed his work

Work has been completed by him.

6. Only the Transitive verb can be changed into passive voice, not intransitive.


He laughs.

“It is intransitive, it does not include objects that’s why it cannot be changed into passive voice.”

How to change into a passive voice with 2 objects?

In active voice, if there are two objects then change one object as a passive voice to use as a subject and retained the second object of active voice as an object of passive voice.

Example :

She gave me a pen. (Active)

(i) I was given a pen by her. Or

7. It is useless to change the passive voice of these sentences

Read also:

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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