Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense – Spoken English Tips

Today we will learn about Passive Voice of Future Perfect tense. Changing a sentence into the passive voice is very easy. 

These type of sentences shows that Work will be completed in the future.

Note:- Fluency comes by speaking and practicing more and more. I hope you love to read this article and implement in your communication skills.

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Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense

In Active and Passive voice of future perfect tense helping verb, ‘Will/Shall + have been‘ is used with the 3rd form of the verb for making Passive Voice of Future perfect Tense.

How to Convert Passive Voice into Future perfect tense?
  •  In Active and Passive voice helping verb, ‘Will/Shall + have been‘ is used with the 3rd form of the verb for making Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense.
  • All the Negative sentences “Not” will be added between will/shall and before ‘have been’ 
  • All types of sentences like simple, negative, and interrogative sentences verb 3rd form are used. 

SOUND: Aa Jaa Chuka Rahega, E Jaa Chuki Rahegi, E- Jaa Chukenge

STRUCTURE: Subject + shall / will + have been + V3 past participle [Simple future]


1. A boy will have been taught.

Ladka Padhaya Jaa Chuka Rahega

2. Boys will have been taught.

Ladke Padhaye jaa Chuke Rahenge

3. A letter will have been typed.

Patra Likha Chuka Rahega

4. Roads have been repaired.

Sadkon Ki Marramat Kiye Ja Chukenge.

5. Mohan will have been given a prize.

Mohan Ko Prize Diya Jaa Chuka Rahegaa

6. He will have been punished.

Use Saja Di Jaa Chuki Rahegi.

7. Letter will have been sent.

Patra Bheje Ja Chuke Rahenge.

8. New plan will have been prepared.

Nayi Youjna Jaiyaar Ki Jaa Chuki Rahegi

9. Books will have been printed.

Kitaben Chhapi Jaa Chuki Rahengi

10. Teachers will have been appointed.

Teacharon Ko Bulai Jaa Chuki Rahegi.

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active passive voice of future pērfect

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  4. Read this Article to become a Fluent English Speaker.

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Note :- Learning English and Speaking is very easy but without consistency you cannot learn anything. Consistency should be in your life to achieve any thing. In this website “” I have given you above 1000+ new sentence making  ideas and Tips that will help you to learn and speak English. I hope you will like my English lessons

By Aviraj

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.