Verb | Grammar |Diffination of Verb

Definition of Verb

A verb is a word used for saying something about some person or thing. or A verb is a word that states something about a person or a thing.

Ex- Prity laughs, The dog is dead, The boys are eating food, Aviraj goes to school 

(Verbs: laughs, is, are, goes)

Kinds of verbs

Verbs are especially two types :

1.Transitive verb: A verb which requires an object after it to complete its sense is called a transitive verb.

Ex- The man killed a snake.

The boy opened the window

Aditi made a doll.

(From the above examples you may have understood that after the verbs object have been used which makes a complete sense)

2.Intransitive verb: A verb which does not require an object to complete it sense, but makes good sense by itself is called an intransitive verb.

 Ex: The man died.

The sun shines.

The girl smiled.

(From the above all examples are showing good sense by itself without using an object)

Main verb:

The main verb has major meanings in the sentences i.e go, sell, complete, do, buy etc.

Helping verbs: 

A helping verb(also known as an auxiliary verb) is used with a main verb to help express the main verbs, tense, mood or voice.

SentenceMain verbHelping verb
He is going goingIs 
I am runningrunningAm 
They are playing footballplayingAre 
You will qualify for the examqualifyWill 
She has gone from heregoneHas 

Forms of the verb: 

There are especially five forms of the verb:

  1. V1: First (present) form of verb {go, eat, write, work}
  2. V2: Second (past) form of verb {went, ate, wrote, worked}
  3. V3: Third (past participle) of verb {gone, eaten, written, worked}
  4. V4: Fourth (ing) form of verb {going, eating, writing, working}
  5. V5: Fifth (singular) form of verb {goes, eats, writes, works}
Eat eatateeateneatingeats
Fall fallfellfallenfallingfalls
Find findfoundfoundfindingfinds
Give givegavegivengivinggives
Go gowentgonegoinggoes
Grow growgrewgrowngrowinggrows
Keep keepkeptkeptkeepingkeeps
Know knowknewknownknowingknows
Draw drawdrewdrawndrawingdraws

Regular verbs- Irregular verbs

The forming base form of the verb to simple past(2nd form) and past participle(3rd form) verb is divided into two categories.

  • Regular verbs: The verbs which form their simple past and the past participle by just adding “-ed” to their base form are called a regular verb.

Ex-Work – worked, Allow – allowed, Play – played, Stay – stayed.

  • Irregular verbs: The verbs which form their simple past and past participle in different ways.

Ex- Fly – flown, Grow – grown, Steal – stole, Sleep – slept, Keep – kept

Verbs are classified into two classes :

Lexical verbs: The verbs which are used in a sentence as the main verb as V1, V2, V3, V4 (ing), V5 (singular) as well as it’s meaning is independent is known as lexical verbs.

Ex- to go, to drink, to laugh etc.

Auxiliary verbs: Those verbs which are used with main verbs and make a question, negative, and tense as well as the express possibility, willingness. It is also called helping verbs.

Primary auxiliary verbs: to be- (is, am, are, was/were), to have- (has, have, had), to do- (do, does, did).

Modal auxiliary verbs:

  • Can, could (ability)
  • May, might (possibility)
  • Will, shall, would (intention)
  • Should (necessity)
  • Must (necessity- a bit compulsion)
  • Ought to(should – moral duty)
Person Subject Helping verbs of the present tenseHelping verbs of past tense
1st personIam, haveWas, had
2nd personYou are/haveWere, had
3rd person(singular)he/she/it/ramis/hasWas, had
3rd person(plural)we/they/boysare/haveWere, had

Sentence forming rules:

Rule – helping verbs- is/ am/ are/ was/ were/has/have/had/will/shall

Type of sentenceRule 
Positive Subject + helping verb + object .
Negative Subject + helping verb + not + object.
Interrogative Helping verb + subject + object ?
Interrogative negative Helping verb + subject + not + object ?


He is going to college.
She is not working at the right time.
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