All emojis – list of emojis to copy and paste

By Alex

Published On:

Emojis help you to express feelings and emotions beyond texts. They also bring liveliness to conversations in a fun and concise way.

Sometimes, however, it’s hard to find the right emoji to use.😒‍

So I decided to prepare a giant table of them, which you can simply copy and paste in any editor. 😁

how to use emojis

To use these emojis, you can copy and paste them directly into the editor of any social media platform or wherever you want to use the emoji.

Different platforms and devices display emojis in different ways. For example, Apple devices and Facebook can make them wavy and can be slightly rounded on Twitter. Overall, the emojis listed in this article still work across platforms.

What are Unicode characters and how to use them?

To use emojis, we use Unicode characters. They are universal coding standards that assign a code to each character, emoji or symbol.

To insert any of the emojis in the HTML, for example, replace the characters U+at the beginning of all the characters, with an ampersand ( &), a tic-tac-toe or hashtag ( #) and one xin front, and put a semicolon at the end.

For example, 🤣I would insert the emoji of someone rolling on the floor from laughing so hard in the HTML. I was able to prevent the character from being displayed directly by putting backticks in front of and behind it. Without them wrapping the emoji code, this appears: 🤣.

For Unicode characters that have numbers specified for their execution, especially symbols, you can insert them into the HTML without adding the x. For example, —generates a dash (—).

Note: Depending on the browser or system, some emojis may not display correctly. An example of this is the flags that, instead of showing them, can only display their acronym. It all depends on the support each system gives to emoji packs.

List of emojis to copy and paste

Smiling face emojis
🙂face smiling slightlyU+1F642
😀smiling faceU+1F600
😃Smiling face with big eyesU+1F603
😄Smiling face with smiling eyesU+1F604
😁Radiant face with smiling eyesU+1F601
😅face smiling with sweatU+1F605
😆Smiling face with half-closed eyesU+1F606
🤣Rolling around laughing on the floorU+1F923
😂Face with tears of joyU+1F602
🙃face upside downU+1F643
😉face blinkingU+1F609
😊Smiling and blushing faceU+1F60A
😇Smiling face with haloU+1F607
😎Smiling face with sunglassesU+1F60E
🤓geek faceU+1F913
🧐face with monocleU+1F9D0
🥳party faceU+1F973
emotional faces
🥰Worried face with heartsU+1F970
😍Smiling face with heart eyesU+1F60D
🤩face with starry eyesU+1F60D
😘face blowing a kissU+1F618
😗kiss faceU+1F617
😊Smiley faceU+263A
😚Kissing the face with eyes closedU+1F61A
😙Kissing face with smiling eyesU+1F619
🥲Smiling face with tearsU+1F972
Faces with tongue emojis
😋Face enjoying delicious foodU+1F60B
😛face with tongue outU+1F61B
😜Flashing your face with your tongue outU+1F61C
🤪goofy faceU+1F92A
😝Face with tongue out and eyes tightly closedU+1F61D
🤑Money face with money tongueU+1F911
Emojis of faces with hands
🤭Face with hand over mouthU+1F92D
🤫silent faceU+1F92B
🤔thinking faceU+1F914
Neutral face emojis
😐neutral faceU+1F610
🤐Face with mouth with zipperU+1F910
🤨Face with raised eyebrowU+1F928
😑expressionless faceU+1F611
😶Mouthless face, silentU+1F636
😏Face with suggestive smileU+1F60F
😒dull faceU+1F612
🙄face with rolling eyesU+1F644
😬grimace faceU+1F62C
😮‍💨exhaling faceU+1F4A8
🤥fake faceU+1F925
sleepy face emojis
😪Sleepy faceU+1F62A
😴sleeping faceU+1F634
😌relieved faceU+1F60C
😔thoughtful faceU+1F614
🤤drooling faceU+1F924
sick face emojis
😷face with maskU+1F637
🤒face with thermometerU+1F912
🤕face with bandageU+1F915
🤢sick faceU+1F922
🤮vomit faceU+1F92E
🤧sneeze faceU+1F927
🥵overheated faceU+1F975
🥶freezing faceU+1F976
🥴dizzy faceU+1F974
😵Face with crossed eyesU+1F635
🤯Shocked face with exploding headU+1F92F
Worried face emojis
😕confused faceU+1F615
😟worried faceU+1F61F
🙁Slightly frowning faceU+1F641
☹️frowning faceU+2639
😮Face with open mouthU+1F62E
😯face of surpriseU+1F62F
😲astonished faceU+1F632
😳flushed faceU+1F633
🥺pleading faceU+1F97A
😦Frowning face with open mouthU+1F626
😧distressed faceU+1F627
😨scared faceU+1F628
😰Anxious face with sweatU+1F630
😥Sad face but relievedU+1F625
😢crying faceU+1F622
😭guy crying out loudU+1F62D
😱face screaming in fearU+1F631
😖confused faceU+1F616
😣persevering faceU+1F623
😞disappointed faceU+1F61E
😓Face down with sweatU+1F613
😩tired faceU+1F629
😫tormented faceU+1F62B
🥱yawning faceU+1F971
negative faces
😤face with steamU+1F624
😡angry faceU+1F621
😠angry faceU+1F620
🤬cursing faceU+1F92C
😈Smiling face with hornsU+1F608
👿Angry face with hornsU+1F47F
Skull and crossbonesU+2620
fantasy face emojis
💩heap of poopU+1F4A9
👾alien monsterU+1F47E
cat face emojis
😺smiling catU+1F63A
😸Smiling cat with smiling eyesU+1F638
😹Cat with tears of joyU+1F639
😻Smiling cat with heart eyesU+1F63B
😼Cat with ironic smileU+1F63C
😽cat kissingU+1F63D
🙀tired catU+1F640
😿crying catU+1F63F
😾pouting catU+1F63E
monkey face emojis
🙈monkey that doesn’t seeU+1F648
🙉monkey that doesn’t hearU+1F649
🙊monkey that doesn’t speakU+1F64A
emotion emojis
💌Love letterU+1F48C
💘heart with arrowU+1F498
💝heart with ribbonU+1F49D
💖heart with sparkU+1F496
💗growing heartU+1F497
💓Heart beatingU+1F493
💞revolving heartsU+1F49E
💕Two heartsU+1F495
💟heart decorationU+1F49F
Exclamation of the heartU+2763
❤️‍🔥Heart in flamesU+2764
❤️‍🩹bandaged heartU+2764
❤️Black HeartU+2764
🧡orange heartU+1F9E1
💛yellow heartU+1F49B
💚green heartU+1F49A
💙Blue HeartU+1F499
💜purple heartU+1F49C
🤎brown heartU+1F90E
🖤Black HeartU+1F5A4
🤍white heartU+1F90D
💯one hundred (correct)U+1F4AF
💦drops of sweatU+1F4A6
💨Running awayU+1F4A8
💬message balloonU+1F4AC
👁️‍🗨️Eye on the message balloonU+1F441
🗨Left speech bubbleU+1F5E8
🗯angry speech bubbleU+1F5EF
💭thought bubbleU+1F4AD
Hands and other body parts emojis
👋waving handU+1F44B
🤚Raised back of handU+1F91A
🖐Hands with extended fingerU+1F590
hand raisedU+270B
🖖vulcan saluteU+1F596
🤌pinched fingersU+1F90C
🤏pinched handU+1F90F
victory handU+270C
🤞Fingers crossedU+1F91E
🤟I love youU+1F91F
🤘horn signU+1F918
🤙call me signU+1F919
👈Index finger pointing leftU+1F448
👉Index finger pointing rightU+1F449
👆Index finger pointing upU+1F446
👇Index finger pointing downU+1F447
🖕Middle fingerU+1F595
Forehand index finger pointing upU+261D
👎thumb downU+1F44E
raised fistU+270A
🤛Fist facing leftU+1F91B
🤜Fist facing rightU+1F91C
👏clapping handsU+1F44F
🙌hands raisedU+1F64C
👐open handsU+1F450
🤲Palms togetherU+1F932
🙏hands in prayerU+1F64F
hand writingU+270D
💅hand with nail polishU+1F485
🤳selfie handU+1F933
💪flexed bicepsU+1F4AA
🦾Mechanical armU+1F9BE
🦿Mechanical legU+1F9BF
🦻Ear with hearing aidU+1F9BB
🫀mechanical heartU+1FAC0
people emojis
👱person with blonde hairU+1F471
🧔bearded personU+1F9D4
🧔‍♂‍bearded manU+1F9D4
🧔‍♀‍bearded womanU+1F9D4
👨‍🦰man with red hairU+1F468
👨‍🦱man with curly hairU+1F9B1
👨‍🦳white hair manU+200D
👨‍🦲Bald manU+1F468
👩‍🦰woman with red hairU+1F469
👩‍🦱woman with curly hairU+1F469
👩‍🦳white haired womanU+1F469
👩‍🦲bald womanU+1F469
👱‍♀‍woman with blonde hairU+1F471
👱‍♂‍man with blond hairU+1F471
🧓Old personU+1F9D3
👴Old manU+1F474
👵Old womanU+1F475
🙍person frowningU+1F64D
🙍‍♂‍man frowningU+1F64D
🙍‍♀‍woman frowningU+1F64D
🙎person poutingU+1F64E
🙎‍♂‍man poutingU+1F64E
🙎‍♀‍woman poutingU+1F64E
🙅person gesturing noU+1F645
🙅‍♂‍Man gesturing noU+1F645
🙅‍♀‍woman gesturing noU+1F645
🙆person stretchingU+1F646
🙆‍♂‍man stretchingU+1F646
🙆‍♀‍woman stretchingU+1F646
💁Person tilting his handU+1F481
💁‍♂‍man leaning his handU+1F481
💁‍♀‍woman leaning her handU+1F481
🙋Person raising his handU+1F64B
🙋‍♂‍man raising his handU+1F64B
🙋‍♀‍woman raising her handU+1F64B
🧏deaf personU+1F64B
🧏‍♂‍deaf manU+1F9CF
🧏‍♀‍deaf womanU+2640
🙇person bowingU+1F647
🙇‍♂‍man bowingU+1F647
🙇‍♀‍woman bending overU+200D
🤦Person with hand on faceU+1F926
🤦‍♂‍Man with hand on faceU+1F926
🤦‍♀‍Woman with hand on her faceU+1F926
🤷person shruggingU+1F937
🤷‍♂‍man shruggingU+1F937
🤷‍♀‍woman shruggingU+FE0F
🧑‍⚕‍Healthcare professionalU+1F9D1
👨‍⚕‍health professional manU+2695
👩‍⚕‍health professional womanU+1F469
👨‍🏫teacher manU+1F468
👩‍🏫teacher womanU+1F3EB
👨‍⚖‍judge manU+1F468
👩‍⚖‍woman judgeU+1F469
👨‍🌾farmer manU+1F468
👩‍🌾farmer womanU+1F469
👨‍🍳cook manU+200D
👩‍🍳cook womanU+1F469
👨‍🔧mechanical manU+1F527
👩‍🔧mechanical womanU+1F469
🧑‍🏭factory workerU+1F9D1
👨‍🏭worker manU+1F468
👩‍🏭worker womanU+1F469
🧑‍💼office workerU+1F9D1
👨‍💼office worker manU+1F4BC
👩‍💼office worker womanU+1F469
👨‍🔬scientist manU+1F468
👩‍🔬scientist womanU+1F52C
👨‍💻technologist manU+1F468
👩‍💻technologist womanU+1F469
👨‍🎤singing manU+1F468
👩‍🎤singing womanU+1F469
👨‍🎨artist manU+1F468
👩‍🎨artist womanU+1F469
👨‍✈‍pilot manU+1F468
👩‍✈‍pilot womanU+1F469
👨‍🚀astronaut manU+1F468
👩‍🚀astronaut womanU+1F469
👨‍🚒fireman manU+200D
👩‍🚒firefighter womanU+1F692
👮‍♂‍police manU+1F46E
🕵️‍♂‍detective manU+1F575
🕵️‍♀‍detective womanU+1F575
💂‍♂‍man guardU+2642
💂‍♀‍woman guardU+2640
👷construction workerU+1F477
👷‍♂‍construction workerU+200D
👷‍♀‍construction workerU+2640
👳person wearing turbanU+1F473
👳‍♂‍man wearing turbanU+200D
👳‍♀‍woman wearing turbanU+2640
👲person with skullcapU+1F472
🧕Woman with head scarfU+1F9D5
🤵tuxedo personU+1F935
🤵‍♂‍tuxedo manU+1F935
🤵‍♀‍tuxedo womanU+1F935
👰veiled personU+1F470
👰‍♂‍Veiled manU+1F470
👰‍♀‍woman in veilU+200D
🤰Pregnant womanU+1F930
🧑‍🍼person feeding babyU+1F37C
👩‍🍼woman feeding babyU+1F469
👨‍🍼man feeding babyU+200D
👼baby angelU+1F47C
🎅Santa ClausU+1F385
🤶Mrs ClausU+1F936
🧑‍🎄Max. SantaU+1F9D1
🦸Super heroU+1F9B8
🦸‍♂‍superhero manU+200D
🦸‍♀‍superhero womanU+FE0F
🦹super villainU+1F9B9
🦹‍♂‍super villain manU+2642
🦹‍♀‍super villain womanU+200D
🧙‍♂‍wizard manU+1F9D9
🧙‍♀‍mage womanU+2640
🧚‍♂‍fairy manU+2642
🧚‍♀‍fairy womanU+200D
🧛‍♂‍vampire manU+2642
🧛‍♀‍vampire womanU+FE0F
🧝‍♂‍elf manU+2642
🧝‍♀‍elf womanU+200D
🧞‍♂‍genius manU+200D
🧞‍♀‍genius womanU+2640
🧟‍♂‍zombie manU+2642
🧟‍♀‍zombie womanU+FE0F
💆person getting massageU+1F486
💆‍♂‍man getting massageU+200D
💆‍♀‍woman getting massageU+2640
💇person getting a haircutU+1F487
💇‍♂‍man getting a haircutU+200D
💇‍♀‍woman getting a haircutU+2640
🚶person walkingU+1F6B6
🚶‍♂‍man walkingU+200D
🚶‍♀‍woman walkingU+FE0F
🧍person standingU+1F9CD
🧍‍♂‍man standingU+200D
🧍‍♀‍woman standingU+FE0F
🧎person kneelingU+1F9CE
🧎‍♂‍kneeling manU+200D
🧎‍♀‍kneeling womanU+FE0F
🧑‍🦯person with caneU+200D
👨‍🦯man with caneU+1F468
👩‍🦯woman with caneU+1F9AF
🧑‍🦼Person in a motorized wheelchairU+1F9D1
👨‍🦼Man in a motorized wheelchairU+200D
👩‍🦼Woman in a motorized wheelchairU+1F9BC
🧑‍🦽Person in manual wheelchairU+1F9D1
👨‍🦽Man in manual wheelchairU+200D
👩‍🦽Woman in a motorized wheelchairU+1F9BD
🏃Running personU+1F3C3
🏃‍♂‍Running ManU+2642
🏃‍♀‍Running womanU+2640
💃woman dancingU+1F483
🕺man dancingU+1F57A
🕴Person in suit levitatingU+1F574
👯People with rabbit earsU+1F46F
👯‍♂‍Men with rabbit earsU+200D
👯‍♀‍women in rabbit earsU+2640
🧖Person in the steam roomU+1F9D6
🧖‍♂‍Man in the steam roomU+200D
🧖‍♀‍Woman in the steam roomU+200D
🧗person climbingU+1F9D7
🧗‍♂‍man climbingU+200D
🧗‍♀‍woman climbingU+2640
🤺fencing personU+1F93A
🏇Horse raceU+1F3C7
Ice skaterU+26F7
🏌person playing golfU+1F3CC
🏌️‍♂‍man playing golfU+FE0F
🏌️‍♀‍woman playing golfU+200D
🏄person surfingU+1F3C4
🏄‍♂‍man surfingU+2642
🏄‍♀‍woman surfingU+2640
🚣rowing boat personU+1F6A3
🚣‍♂‍rowing boat manU+2642
🚣‍♀‍rowing boat womanU+FE0F
🏊person swimmingU+1F3CA
🏊‍♂‍man swimmingU+2642
🏊‍♀‍woman swimmingU+FE0F
person playing ballU+26F9
⛹️‍♂‍man playing ballU+FE0F
⛹️‍♀‍woman playing ballU+2640
🏋person lifting weightU+1F3CB
🏋️‍♂‍man lifting weightU+FE0F
🏋️‍♀‍woman lifting weightU+2640
🚴person riding a bicycleU+1F6B4
🚴‍♂‍man riding a bicycleU+2642
🚴‍♀‍woman riding a bicycleU+FE0F
🚵mountain bike personU+1F6B5
🚵‍♂‍mountain bike manU+2642
🚵‍♀‍mountain bike womanU+2640
🤸person playingU+1F938
🤸‍♂‍man playingU+200D
🤸‍♀‍woman playingU+FE0F
🤼people fightingU+1F93C
🤼‍♂‍men fightingU+200D
🤼‍♀‍women fightingU+2640
🤽Person playing water poloU+1F93D
🤽‍♂‍Man playing water poloU+FE0F
🤽‍♀‍woman playing water poloU+200D
🤾Person playing handballU+1F93E
🤾‍♂‍man playing handballU+200D
🤾‍♀‍woman playing handballU+FE0F
🤹person jugglingU+1F939
🤹‍♂‍man jugglingU+200D
🤹‍♀‍woman jugglingU+FE0F
🧘Person in lotus positionU+1F9D8
🧘‍♂‍Man in lotus positionU+200D
🧘‍♀‍Woman in the lotus positionU+2640
🛀person taking a bathU+1F6C0
🛌person in bedU+1F6CC
👨‍👩‍👦Family: man, woman and boyU+200D
👨‍👩‍👧Family: man, woman and girlU+1F469
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Family: man, woman, boy and girlU+200D
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Family: man, woman and two boysU+1F466
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Family: man, woman and two girlsU+200D
👨‍👨‍👦Family: two men and a boyU+1F466
👨‍👨‍👧Family: two men and a girlU+200D
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦Family: two men, girl and boyU+1F466
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦Family: two men and two boysU+200D
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧Family: two men and two girlsU+1F467
👩‍👩‍👦Family: two women and a boyU+1F466
👩‍👩‍👧Family: two women and a girlU+1F467
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦Family: two women, girl and boyU+1F466
👩‍👩‍👦‍👦Family: two women and two boysU+1F466
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧Family: two women and two girlsU+1F467
👨‍👦Family: man and boyU+1F466
👨‍👦‍👦Family: man and two boysU+1F466
👨‍👧Family: man and girlU+1F467
👨‍👧‍👦Family: man, girl and boyU+1F466
👨‍👧‍👧Family: man and two girlsU+1F467
👩‍👦Family: woman and boyU+1F466
👩‍👦‍👦Family: woman and two boysU+1F466
👩‍👧Family: woman and girlU+1F467
👩‍👧‍👦Family: woman, girl and boyU+1F466
👩‍👧‍👧Family: woman and two girlsU+1F467
🧑‍🤝‍🧑People holding handsU+1F9D1
👭women holding handsU+1F46D
👫Woman and man holding handsU+1F46B
👬men holding handsU+1F46C
👩‍❤‍💋‍👨woman and man kissingU+200D
👨‍❤‍💋‍👨Man and man kissingU+200D
👩‍❤‍💋‍👩Woman and woman kissingU+1F48B
💑couple with heartU+1F491
🗣person talkingU+1F5E3
👤bust in silhouetteU+1F464
👥silhouetted bustsU+1F465
🫂people huggingU+1FAC2
Animal and nature emojis
🐵Monkey faceU+1F435
🐶dog faceU+1F436
🦮Guide dogU+1F9AE
🐕‍🦺service dogU+1F415
🐱Cat faceU+1F431
🐈‍⬛Black catU+200D
🦁lion faceU+1F981
🐯tiger faceU+1F42F
🐴Horse faceU+1F434
🦄unicorn faceU+1F984
🐮cow faceU+1F42E
🐃water buffaloU+1F437
🐷pig faceU+1F437
🐽Pig noseU+1F43D
🐭mouse faceU+1F42D
🐰rabbit faceU+1F430
🐻bear faceU+1F43B
🐻‍❄️polar bear faceU+200D
🐨koala faceU+1F428
🐼panda faceU+1F43C
🐥front chickU+1F425
🐸frog faceU+1F438
🐲dragon faceU+1F432
🐳spouting whaleU+1F433
🐠tropical fishU+1F420
🐡puffer fishU+1F421
🐚spiral shellU+1F41A
🌸Cherry BlossomU+1F338
💮White flowerU+1F4AE
🥀withered flowerU+1F940
🌱Little plantU+1F331
🪴Plant vaseU+1FAB4
🌲evergreen treeU+1F332
🌳deciduous treeU+1F333
🌴Palm treeU+1F334
🌾rice sauceU+1F33E
🍀four-leaf cloverU+1F340
🍁oak leafU+1F341
🍂fallen leafU+1F342
🍃Leaf floating in the windU+1F343
🪴empty nestU+1FAB9
🪴nest with eggsU+1FABA
Food and drink emojis
🍎Red AppleU+1F34E
🍏Green appleU+1F34F
🥖baguette breadU+1F956
🫓flat breadU+1FAD3
🧀Cheese sliceU+1F9C0
🍖meat with boneU+1F356
🍗bird’s legU+1F357
🥩meat cutU+1F969
🌭Hot dogU+1F32D
🥙stuffed flat breadU+1F959
🧆chickpea nuggetsU+1F9C6
🥘shallow food panU+1F958
🍲food potU+1F372
🥣bowl with foodU+1F963
🥗Green saladU+1F957
🥫Canned foodU+1F96B
🍱bento boxU+1F371
🍘rice crackerU+1F358
🍙rice ballU+1F359
🍚Cooked riceU+1F35A
🍛curry riceU+1F35B
🍜steaming bowlU+1F35C
🍠baked sweet potatoU+1F360
🍤Fried shrimpU+1F364
🍥Fish cake with swirl designU+1F365
🥮moon cakeU+1F96E
🥠fortune cookieU+1F960
🥡chinese food boxU+1F961
🍨Ice creamU+1F368
🍧shaved ice creamU+1F367
🍦soft ice creamU+1F366
🎂Birthday cakeU+1F382
🍰Piece of cakeU+1F370
🍯Honey potU+1F36F
🍼Feeding bottleU+1F37C
🥛Glass of milkU+1F95B
Hot drinkU+2615
🍵tea cup without handleU+1F375
🍾Champagne bottle burstingU+1F37E
🍷Wine glassU+1F377
🍸cocktail glassU+1F378
🍹tropical drinkU+1F379
🍺beer mugU+1F37A
🍻Clinking beer mugU+1F37B
🥂clinking cupsU+1F942
🥃glass with liqueurU+1F943
🥤cup with strawU+1F964
🧋bubble teaU+1F9CB
🧃beverage boxU+1F9C3
🧉mate drinkU+1F9C9
🍽Fork and knife with plateU+1F37D
🍴Fork and knifeU+1F374
🥄To harvestU+1F944
🔪Kitchen knifeU+1F52A
Travel and places emojis
🌍Globe showing Africa and EuropeU+1F30D
🌎Globe showing the AmericasU+1F30E
🌏Globe showing Asia and AustraliaU+1F30F
🌐globe with meridiansU+1F310
🗺️World mapU+1F5FA
🏔️snow mountainU+26F0
🌋volcanic mountainU+1F30B
🗻Mount FujiU+1F5FB
🏖️beach with umbrellaU+1F3D6
🏝️Desert islandU+1F3DD
🏞️National parkU+1F3DE
🏛️classic buildingU+1F3DB
🏚️Abandoned houseU+1F3DA
🏡house with gardenU+1F3E1
🏢Office buildingU+1F3E2
🏣japanese mailU+1F3E3
🏩love hotelU+1F3E9
🏪Convenience storeU+1F3EA
🏯japanese castleU+1F3EF
🗼Tokyo TowerU+1F5FC
🗽Statue of LibertyU+1F5FD
🛕hindu templeU+1F6D5
Shinto ShrineU+26E9
🌃night with starsU+1F303
🏙️Urban landscapeU+1F3D9
🌄Sunrise over the mountainsU+1F304
🌆Cityscape at duskU+1F306
🌉bridge at nightU+1F309
Hot SpringsU+2668
🎠carousel horseU+1F3A0
🎡Ferris wheelU+1F3A1
🎢Roller coasterU+1F3A2
💈barber poleU+1F488
🎪Circus tendU+1F3AA
transport emojis
🚃Train wagonU+1F683
🚄high speed trainU+1F684
🚅Bullet trainU+1F685
🚈Light RailU+1F688
🚞mountain railwayU+1F69E
🚍nearby busU+1F68D
🚎electric busU+1F68E
🚐Mini busU+1F690
🚒Fire truckU+1F692
🚓Police carU+1F693
🚔nearby police carU+1F694
🚖taxi nearbyU+1F696
🚘car nearbyU+1F698
🚙sport utility vehicleU+1F699
🛻pickup truckU+1F6FB
🚚delivery truckU+1F69A
🚛articulated truckU+1F69B
🏎Race carU+1F3CE
🦽manual wheelchairU+1F9BD
🦼motorized wheelchairU+1F9BC
time emojis
hourglass startingU+23F3
timer clockU+23F2
🕰fireplace clockU+1F570
🕛Twelve hoursU+1F55B
🕧Twelve and thirtyU+1F567
🕐One hourU+1F550
🕜Half past oneU+1F55C
🕑Two hoursU+1F551
🕝Two and a halfU+1F55D
🕒Three hoursU+1F552
🕞Half past threeU+1F55E
🕓Four o’clockU+1F553
🕟Four thirtyU+1F55F
🕔Five o’clockU+1F554
🕠Half past fiveU+1F560
🕕Six hoursU+1F555
🕡Six and a halfU+1F561
🕖Seven o’clockU+1F556
🕢Seven thirtyU+1F562
🕗Eight o’clockU+1F557
🕣Half past eightU+1F563
🕘Nine o’clockU+1F558
🕤Half past nineU+1F564
🕙Ten hoursU+1F559
🕥Half past tenU+1F565
🕚Eleven o’clockU+1F55A
🕦Half past elevenU+1F566
Sky and weather emojis
🌑New MoonU+1F311
🌒Crescent moonU+1F312
🌓waning moonU+1F313
🌔waning crescent moonU+1F314
🌕Full moonU+1F315
🌖waning moonU+1F316
🌗waning moonU+1F317
🌘waning moonU+1F318
🌙Crescent moonU+1F319
🌚new moon with faceU+1F31A
🌛First quarter moon faceU+1F31B
🌜Face of the last quarter moonU+1F31C
🌝full moon with faceU+1F31D
🌞sun with faceU+1F31E
🪐planet with ringsU+1FA90
🌟Bright StarU+1F31F
🌠Shooting starU+1F320
🌌Milky WayU+1F30C
☁️A cloudU+2601
sun behind the cloudU+26C5
⛈️Cloud with lighting and rainU+26C8
🌤️Sun behind a small cloudU+1F324
🌥️Sun behind big cloudU+1F325
🌦️Sun behind the rain cloudU+1F326
🌧️cloud with rainU+1F327
🌨️cloud with snowU+1F328
🌩️cloud with lightingU+1005
🌬️face of the windU+1F32C
🌂closed umbrellaU+1F302
Umbrella with raindropsU+2614
⛱️Umbrella on the floorU+26F1
High voltageU+26A1
snowman without snowU+26C4
🌊water waveU+1F30A
activity emojis
🎃Halloween PumpkinU+1F383
🎄Christmas treeU+1F384
🎇fireworks sparklerU+1F387
🎉party popperU+1F389
🎊confetti ballU+1F38A
🎋Tanabata treeU+1F38B
🎍New Year’s DecorationU+1F38D
🎎japanese dollsU+1F38E
🎏wind socksU+1F38F
🎑moon observation ceremonyU+1F391
🧧red envelopeU+1F9E7
🎁gift wrappedU+1F381
🎗️reminder bannerU+1F397
🎟️Entrance ticketU+1F39F
Emojis Award Medals
🎖️military medalU+1F396
🏅sports medalU+1F3C5
🥇Gold Medal – First PositionU+1F947
🥈Silver Medal – Second PositionU+1F948
🥉Bronze Medal – Third PositionU+1F949
sports emojis
Soccer ballU+26BD
🥏flying saucerU+1F94F
🏏cricket gameU+1F3CF
🏑field hockeyU+1F3D1
🏒hockey on iceU+1F3D2
🏸Badminton racket and shuttlecockU+1F3F8
🥊Boxing gloveU+1F94A
🥋martial arts uniformU+1F94B
🥅Goal NetworkU+1F945
Flag in a holeU+26F3
Ice skatesU+26F8
🎣fishing rodU+1F3A3
🤿Diving maskU+1F93F
🎽running shirtU+1F3BD
🥌curling stoneU+1F94C
game emojis
🎱8 BallU+1F3B1
🔮Crystal BallU+1F52E
🪄Magic wandU+1FA84
🧿amulet of nazarU+1F9FF
🎮Video game controlU+1F3AE
🕹video game stickU+1F579
🎰slot machineU+1F3B0
🎲game diceU+1F3B2
🧩puzzle pieceU+1F9E9
🧸teddy bearU+1F9F8
🪆nested dollU+1FA86
suit of spadesU+2660
suit of heartsU+2665
club suitU+2663
♟️chess pawnU+265F
🀄red dragon mahjongU+1F004
🎴flower playing cardsU+1F3B4
Arts and crafts emojis
🎭performing artsU+1F3AD
🖼️framed photoU+1F5BC
🎨artist paletteU+1F3A8
🧵spool of threadU+1F9F5
🪡Sewing needle with threadU+1FAA1
🪢At theU+1FAA2
Clothing object emojis
🥽clear safety glassesU+1F97D
🥼lab coatU+1F97C
🦺Life jacketU+1F9BA
🩱One-piece sports swimsuitU+1FA71
👚Feminine blouseU+1F45A
🛍️shopping bagsU+1F6CD
🩴strap sandalsU+1FA74
👞men’s shoeU+1F45E
👟Running shoesU+1F45F
🥾hiking bootU+1F97E
🥿flat shoesU+1F97F
👠High heelsU+1F460
👡women’s sandalU+1F461
🩰Ballet shoesU+1FA70
👢women’s bootU+1F462
👒woman’s hatU+1F452
🎓graduation hatU+1F393
🪖Military helmetU+1FA96
⛑️Rescue worker helmetU+26D1
📿prayer beadsU+1F4FF
sound emojis
🔇speaker muteU+1F507
🔈low volume speakerU+1F508
🔉medium volume speakerU+1F509
🔊high volume speakerU+1F50A
🔕bell with barU+1F515
🎼musical scoreU+1F3BC
🎵musical noteU+1F3B5
🎶Musical notesU+1F3B6
🎙️studio microphoneU+1F399
🎚️level sliderU+1F39A
🎛️control buttonsU+1F39B
Musical instruments emojis
🎹Musical keyboardU+1F3B9
🪘long drumU+1FA98
phone emojis
📲cell phone with arrowU+1F4F2
📞telephone receiverU+1F4DE
📠fax machineU+1F4E0
computer emojis
🔋full batteryU+1F50B
🪫Low batteryU+1FAAB
🔌electrical plugU+1F50C
💻Portable computerU+1F4BB
🖥️Desktop computerU+1F5A5
💽computer diskU+1F4BD
💾floppy diskU+1F4BE
Light and video emojis
🎥film cameraU+1F3A5
🎞️film framesU+1F39E
📽️film projectorU+1F4FD
📸camera with flashU+1F4F8
📹Video cameraU+1F4F9
📼video cassetteU+1F4FC
🔍Magnifying glass tilted to the leftU+1F50D
🔎Magnifying glass tilted to the rightU+1F50E
💡Eletric lampU+1F4A1
🏮izakaya lanternU+1F3EE
🪔Diya lampU+1FA94
Book and paper emojis
📔Notebook with decorative coverU+1F4D4
📕closed notebookU+1F4D5
📖open notebookU+1F4D6
📗green bookU+1F4D7
📘Blue BookU+1F4D8
📙orange bookU+1F4D9
📚colored booksU+1F4DA
📒spiral bound bookU+1F4D2
📃Page with curlU+1F4C3
📄Page facing upU+1F4C4
🗞rolled up newspaperU+1F5DE
📑Favorites GuidesU+1F4D1
💰Money bagU+1F4B0
💴yen noteU+1F4B4
💵dollar billU+1F4B5
💶euro banknoteU+1F4B6
💷pound noteU+1F4B7
💸money with wingsU+1F4B8
💳Credit cardU+1F4B3
💹Increase on the chart in yenU+1F4B9
send emojis
📩envelope with arrowU+1F4E9
📤Exit boxU+1F4E4
📫Closed mailbox with raised flagU+1F4EB
📪Closed mailbox with lowered flagU+1F4EA
📬Open mailbox with raised flagU+1F4EC
📭Open mailbox with lowered flagU+1F4ED
🗳️Ballot box with ballotU+1F5F3
✒️black tipU+2712
🖋️Fountain penU+1F58B
🖌️Brush toolU+1F58C
office emojis
📁File folderU+1F4C1
📂open folderU+1F4C2
🗂️Folder index dividersU+1F5C2
📆disposable calendarU+1F4C6
📈Growing graphU+1F4C8
📉Descending graphU+1F4C9
📊bar chartU+1F4CA
📍round pinU+1F4CD
📎Paper clipU+1F4CE
🖇linked paper clipsU+1F587
📏straight rulerU+1F4CF
📐triangular rulerU+1F4D0
🗃️Card file boxU+1F5C3
🗄️Archive cabinetU+1F5C4
🗑️Trash canU+1F5D1
block emojis
🔏closed with penU+1F50F
🔐locked with keyU+1F510
🗝️old keyU+1F5DD
Emoji tools
⚒️Hammer and PickaxeU+2692
🛠️hammer and keyU+1F6E0
⚔️crossed swordsU+2694
🔫Water gunU+1F52B
🏹Bow and arrowU+1F3F9
🪚woodworking sawU+1FA9A
🔩Bolt and nutU+1F529
🦯white barrelU+1F9AF
🧰Tool boxU+1F9F0
scientific emojis
🧪Test tubeU+1F9EA
🧫Petri dishU+1F9EB
📡satellite antennaU+1F4E1
medical emojis
🩸a drop of bloodU+1FA78
🩹adhesive bandage🩹
household emojis
🛋️sofa and lampU+1F6CB
🧴lotion bottleU+1F9F4
🧷safety pinU+1F9F7
🧻Paper rollU+1F9FB
🧯Fire extinguisherU+1F9EF
🛒Shopping cartU+1F6D2
Emojis from other objects
⚱️Funeral urnU+26B1
🪪ID cardU+1FAAA
🏧ATM signalU+1F3E7
🚮Garbage in the trashU+1F6AE
🚰Potable waterU+1F6B0
🚹Men’s roomU+1F6B9
🚺Ladies roomU+1F6BA
🚻unisex bathroomU+1F6BB
🛂passport controlU+1F6C2
🛅locked suitcaseU+1F6C5
warning emojis
🚸children crossingU+1F6B8
Do not enterU+26D4
🚫entry prohibitedU+1F6AB
🚳No BicyclesU+1F6B3
🚭No smokingU+1F6AD
🚯Do not litterU+1F6AF
🚱non-potable waterU+1F6B1
🚷No PedestriansU+1F6B7
📵no cell phonesU+1F4F5
🔞No one under the age of 18U+1F51E
☣️Biological riskU+2623
arrow emojis
⬆️Up arrowU+2B06
↗️up-right arrowU+2197
➡️right arrowU+27A1
↘️Down-right arrowU+2198
⬇️down arrowU+2B07
↙️down left arrowU+2199
⬅️left arrowU+2B05
↖️up-left arrowU+2196
↕️vertical bidirectional arrowU+2195
horizontal bidirectional arrowU+2194
↩️Right Arrow Curving LeftU+21A9
↪️Left arrow curving rightU+21AA
⤴️Right Arrow Curving UpU+2934
⤵️Right arrow curving downU+2935
🔃Vertical arrows clockwiseU+1F503
🔄Counterclockwise arrow buttonU+1F504
🔙back arrowU+1F519
🔚final arrowU+1F51A
🔛linked with arrowU+1F51B
🔜arrow coming soonU+1F51C
🔝Up arrowU+1F51D
🛐place of worshipU+1F6D0
✡️Star of DavidU+2721
☸️Dharma WheelU+2638
☯️yin yangU+262F
✝️Latin crossU+271D
☦️orthodox crossU+2626
☪️Star and crescent moonU+262A
🔯six pointed starU+1F52F
AV symbols
🔀random tracksU+1F500
🔁repeat allU+1F501
🔂repeat oneU+1F502
fast forwardU+23E9
next trackU+23ED
play or pauseU+23EF
◀️reverse playU+25C0
quick reversalU+23EA
previous trackU+23EE
fast upU+23EB
fast downU+23EC
To recordU+23FA
🎦Movie theaterU+1F3A6
🔅low brightnessU+1F505
🔆high brightnessU+1F506
📶network antenna barsU+1F4F6
📳vibration modeU+1F4F3
📴cell phone offU+1F4F4
mathematical symbols
Any lessU+2796
🟰It’s the same asU+1F7F0
punctuation symbols
double exclamationU+203C
Exclamation and question markU+2049
red question markU+2753
white question markU+2754
red exclamation pointU+2757
white exclamation pointU+2755
〰️wavy strokeU+3030
💱currency exchangeU+1F4B1
💲Heavy green dollar signU+1F4B2
other symbols
⚕️medical symbolU+2695
♻️recycling symbolU+267B
📛name badgeU+1F4DB
🔰Japanese symbol for beginnerU+1F530
hollow red circleU+2B55
Checkmark in green boxU+2705
☑️Checkmark in black boxU+2611
✔️check markU+2714
Cross mark in green boxU+274E
curly bowU+27B0
curly double bowU+27BF
〽️Parts toggle markU+303D
✳️eight spoke asteriskU+2733
✴️eight pointed starU+2734
Trade markU+2122
Numeric keyboard
alphanumeric symbols
🔠Enter Latin capital lettersU+1F520
🔡Enter Latin lowercase lettersU+1F521
🔢entry numbersU+1F522
🔣input symbolsU+1F523
🔤Enter Latin lettersU+1F524
🅰a blood typeU+1F170
🆎AB blood typeU+1F18E
🅱blood type BU+1F171
🅾the blood typeU+1F17E
🆑CL buttonU+1F191
🆒cool buttonU+1F192
🆓free buttonU+1F193
ℹ️info buttonU+2139
🆔identification buttonU+1F194
Ⓜ️M circledU+24C2
🆕New buttonU+1F195
🆖NG buttonU+1F196
🆗OK buttonU+1F197
🅿P buttonU+1F17F
🆘SOS buttonU+1F198
🆙Up button!U+1F199
🆚VS buttonU+1F19A
Japanese buttons
🈁Japanese “here” buttonU+1F201
🈂️Japanese “service charge” buttonU+1F202
🈷️Japanese button “monthly amount”U+1F237
🈶Japanese “not free” buttonU+1F236
🈯Japanese “reserved” buttonU+1F22F
🉐Japanese “Haggle” ButtonU+1F250
🈹Japanese “discount” buttonU+1F239
🈚Japanese “free” buttonU+1F21A
🈲Japanese “Forbidden” ButtonU+1F232
🉑Japanese “acceptable” buttonU+1F251
🈸Japanese “App” buttonU+1F238
🈴Japanese “pass grade” buttonU+1F234
🈳Japanese “vacancy” buttonU+1F233
㊗️Japanese “congratulations” buttonU+3297
㊙️Japanese “secret” buttonU+3299
🈺Japanese “open for business” buttonU+1F23A
🈵Japanese button “no vacancies”U+1F235
geometric emojis
🔴red circleU+1F534
🟠orange circleU+1F7E0
🟡yellow circleU+1F7E1
🟢green circleU+1F7E2
🔵blue circleU+1F535
🟣purple circleU+1F7E3
🟤brown circleU+1F7E4
black circleU+26AB
white circleU+26AA
🟥red squareU+1F7E5
🟧orange squareU+1F7E5
🟨yellow squareU+1F7E8
🟩green squareU+1F7E9
🟦blue squareU+1F7E6
🟪purple squareU+1F7EA
🟫brown squareU+1F7EB
black squareU+2B1B
white squareU+2B1C
🔶big orange diamondU+1F536
🔷big blue diamondU+1F537
🔸small orange diamondU+1F538
🔹small blue diamondU+1F539
🔺Red triangle pointing upU+1F53A
🔻Red triangle pointing downU+1F53B
💠Diamond with a dotU+1F4A0
🔘radio buttonU+1F518
🔳black square buttonU+1F533
🔲white square buttonU+1F532
🏁checkered flagU+1F3C1
🚩triangular flagU+1F6A9
🎌crossed flagU+1F38C
🏴black flagU+1F3F4
🏳White flagU+1F3F3
🌈rainbow flagU+1F308
☠️pirate flagU+2620
country flags
🇦🇨Ascension Island flagU+1F1E8
🇦🇩flag of AndorraU+1F1E9
🇦🇪United Arab Emirates flagU+1F1EA
🇦🇫afghanistan flagU+1F1EB
🇦🇬Antigua and Berbuda flagU+1F1EC
🇦🇮flag of anguillaU+1F1EE
🇦🇱flag of albaniaU+1F1F1
🇦🇲Armenia flagU+1F1F2
🇦🇴Angola flagU+1F1F4
🇦🇶Antarctica flagU+1F1F6
🇦🇷flag of ArgentinaU+1F1F7
🇦🇸American Samoa flagU+1F1F8
🇦🇹flag of AustriaU+1F1F9
🇦🇺australia flagU+1F1FA
🇦🇼flag of arubaU+1F1FC
🇦🇽Åland Islands flagU+1F1FD
🇦🇿flag of AzerbaijanU+1F1FF
🇧🇦Bosnia flagU+1F1E6
🇧🇧Barbados flagU+1F1E7
🇧🇩Bangladesh flagU+1F1E9
🇧🇪Belgium flagU+1F1EA
🇧🇫Burkina Faso flagU+1F1EB
🇧🇬flag of BulgariaU+1F1EC
🇧🇭Bahrain flagU+1F1ED
🇧🇮Burundian flagU+1F1EE
🇧🇯Flag of the Republic of BeninU+1F1EF
🇧🇱Flag of Saint BarthélemyU+1F1F1
🇧🇲Bermuda flagU+1F1F2
🇧🇳Brunei flagU+1F1F3
🇧🇴Bolivia flagU+1F1F4
🇧🇶Caribbean Netherlands flagU+1F1F6
🇺🇸Brazil’s flagU+1F1F7
🇧🇸flag of the BahamasU+1F1F8
🇧🇹flag of BhutanU+1F1F9
🇧🇻Flag of Bouvet IslandU+1F1FB
🇧🇼Botswana flagU+1F1FC
🇧🇾Belarus flagU+1F1FE
🇧🇿Belize flagU+1F1FF
🇨🇦Canada flagU+1F1E6
🇨🇨Cocos Islands flagU+1F1E8
🇨🇩Flag of the Democratic Republic of CongoU+1F1E9
🇨🇫Central African Republic flagU+1F1EB
🇨🇬Congo Brazzaville flagU+1F1EC
🇨🇭Switzerland flagU+1F1ED
🇨🇮Ivory Coast flagU+1F1EE
🇨🇰Cook Islands flagU+1F1F0
🇨🇱Chile flagU+1F1F1
🇨🇲Cameroon flagU+1F1F2
🇨🇳flag of ChinaU+1F1F3
🇨🇴flag of ColombiaU+1F1F4
🇨🇵Clipperton Island flagU+1F1F5
🇨🇷Costa Rica flagU+1F1F7
🇨🇺Cuba flagU+1F1FA
🇨🇻Cape Verde Island FlagU+1F1FB
🇨🇼flag of CuraçaoU+1F1FC
🇨🇽Christmas Island flagU+1F1FD
🇨🇾Cyprus flagU+1F1FE
🇩🇪Germany’s flagU+1F1EA
🇩🇬Diego Garcia flagU+1F1EC
🇩🇯flag of djiboutiU+1F1EF
🇩🇰flag of DenmarkU+1F1F0
🇩🇲Dominica flagU+1F1F2
🇩🇴Dominican Republic flagU+1F1F4
🇩🇿flag of AlgeriaU+1F1FF
🇪🇦Flag of Ceuta and MelillaU+1F1E6
🇪🇨Ecuador flagU+1F1E8
🇪🇪Estonia flagU+1F1EA
🇪🇬flag of egyptU+1F1EC
🇪🇭Western Sahara flagU+1F1ED
🇪🇷flag of EritreaU+1F1F7
🇪🇸Spanish flagU+1F1F8
🇪🇹Ethiopia flagU+1F1F9
🇪🇺EU flagU+1F1FA
🇫🇮flag of finlandU+1F1EE
🇫🇯Fiji flagU+1F1EF
🇫🇰Falkland Islands flagU+1F1F0
🇫🇲Micronesia flagU+1F1F2
🇫🇴Faroe Islands flagU+1F1F4
🇫🇷France flagU+1F1F7
🇬🇦Gabon flagU+1F1E6
🇬🇧United Kingdom flagU+1F1E7
🇬🇩Grenada flagU+1F1E9
🇬🇪Georgia flagU+1F1EA
🇬🇫French Guiana flagU+1F1EB
🇬🇬flag of GuernseyU+1F1EC
🇬🇭flag of GhanaU+1F1ED
🇬🇮flag of GibraltarU+1F1EE
🇬🇱Greenland flagU+1F1F1
🇬🇲Gambia flagU+1F1F2
🇬🇳flag of guineaU+1F1F3
🇵🇵flag of GuadeloupeU+1F1F5
🇬🇶Equatorial Guinea flagU+1F1F6
🇬🇷flag of greeceU+1F1F7
🇬🇸Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsU+1F1F8
🇬🇹Guatemalan flagU+1F1F9
🇬🇺flag of Guam
🇬🇼Guinea Bissau flagU+1F1FC
🇬🇾Guyana flagU+1F1FE
🇭🇰hong kong flagU+1F1F0
🇭🇲McDonald Islands flagU+1F1F2
🇭🇳Honduras flagU+1F1F3
🇭🇷Croatia flagU+1F1F7
🇭🇹Haiti flagU+1F1F9
🇭🇺flag of HungaryU+1F1FA
🇮🇨Canary Islands flagU+1F1E8
🇮🇩Indonesia flagU+1F1E9
🇮🇪island flagU+1F1EA
🇮🇱Israel flagU+1F1F1
🇮🇲Isle of Man flagU+1F1F2
🇮🇳flag of indiaU+1F1F3
🇮🇴British Indian Ocean Territory flagU+1F1F4
🇮🇶Iraq flagU+1F1F6
🇮🇷flag of IranU+1F1F7
🇮🇸Iceland flagU+1F1F8
🇮🇹Italian flagU+1F1F9
🇯🇪Jersey flagU+1F1EA
🇯🇲Jamaica flagU+1F1F2
🇯🇴flag of JordanU+1F1F4
🇯🇵japan flagU+1F1F5
🇰🇪Kenya flagU+1F1EA
🇰🇬Kyrgyzstan flagU+1F1EC
🇰🇭Cambodia flagU+1F1ED
🇰🇮flag of KiribatiU+1F1EE
🇰🇲Flag of the Comoros IslandsU+1F1F2
🇰🇳Flag of Saint Kitts and NevisU+1F1F3
🇰🇵North Korea flagU+1F1F5
🇰🇷South Korea flagU+1F1F7
🇰🇼Kuwait flagU+1F1FC
🇰🇾Cayman Islands flagU+1F1FE
🇰🇿flag of KazakhstanU+1F1FF
🇱🇦flag of LaosU+1F1E6
🇱🇧Lebanon flagU+1F1E7
🇱🇨flag of Saint LuciaU+1F1E8
🇱🇮Liechtenstein flagU+1F1EE
🇱🇰sri lanka flagU+1F1F0
🇱🇷flag of LiberiaU+1F1F7
🇱🇸Lesotho flagU+1F1F8
🇱🇹Lithuania flagU+1F1F9
🇱🇻flag of LatviaU+1F1FB
🇱🇾Libya flagU+1F1FE
🇲🇦flag of moroccoU+1F1E6
🇲🇨Monaco flagU+1F1E8
🇲🇩flag of MoldovaU+1F1E9
🇲🇪Montenegro flagU+1F1EA
🇲🇬Montenegro flagU+1F1EC
🇲🇭Marshall Islands flagU+1F1ED
🇲🇰North Macedonia flagU+1F1F0
🇲🇱flag of maliU+1F1F1
🇲🇲Myanmar flagU+1F1F2
🇲🇳Mongolian flagU+1F1F3
🇲🇴flag of MacauU+1F1F4
🇲🇵Flag of the Northern Mariana IslandsU+1F1F5
🇲🇶Martinique flagU+1F1F6
🇲🇷flag of MauritaniaU+1F1F7
🇲🇸flag of MontserratU+1F1F8
🇲🇹malta flagU+1F1F9
🇲🇺flag of MauritiusU+1F1FA
🇲🇻Maldives flagU+1F1FB
🇲🇼Malawi flagU+1F1FC
🇲🇽Mexican flagU+1F1FD
🇲🇾Malaysia flagU+1F1FE
🇲🇿flag of MozambiqueU+1F1FF
🇳🇦flag of NamibiaU+1F1E6
🇳🇨New Caledonia flagU+1F1E8
🇳🇪flag of nigerU+1F1EA
🇳🇫Norfolk Island flagU+1F1EB
🇳🇬Nigeria flagU+1F1EC
🇳🇮flag of NicaraguaU+1F1EE
🇳🇱Netherlands flagU+1F1F1
🇳🇴flag of norwayU+1F1F4
🇳🇵Nepal flagU+1F1F5
🇳🇷flag of nauruU+1F1F7
🇳🇺flag of NiueU+1F1FA
🇳🇿new zealand flagU+1F1FF
🇴🇲flag of OmanU+1F1F2
🇵🇦Panama flagU+1F1E6
🇵🇪Peru flagU+1F1EA
🇵🇫French Polynesia flagU+1F1EB
🇵🇬Papua New Guinea flagU+1F1EC
🇵🇭Philippine flagU+1F1ED
🇵🇰pakistan flagU+1F1F0
🇵🇱flag of PolandU+1F1F1
🇵🇲Flag of Saint Peter and MiquelonU+1F1F2
🇵🇳Pitcairn Islands flagU+1F1F3
🇵🇷Puerto Rico flagU+1F1F7
🇵🇸Flag of the Palestinian TerritoriesU+1F1F8
🇵🇹flag of PortugalU+1F1F9
🇵🇼flag of PalauU+1F1FC
🇵🇾Paraguay flagU+1F1FE
🇶🇦flag of QatarU+1F1E6
🇷🇪Flag of the ReunionU+1F1EA
🇷🇸Serbia flagU+1F1F8
🇷🇺flag of RussiaU+1F1FA
🇷🇼flag of RwandaU+1F1FC
🇸🇦Saudi Arabia flagU+1F1E6
🇸🇧flag of the Solomon IslandsU+1F1E7
🇸🇨flag of SeychellesU+1F1E8
🇸🇩Sudan flagU+1F1E9
🇸🇪Sweden flagU+1F1EA
🇸🇬Singapore flagU+1F1EC
🇸🇭Saint Helena flagU+1F1ED
🇸🇮Slovenia flagU+1F1EE
🇸🇯Flag of Svalbard and Jan MayenU+1F1EF
🇸🇰Slovakia flagU+1F1F0
🇸🇱Sierra Leone flagU+1F1F1
🇸🇲flag of San MarinoU+1F1F2
🇸🇳Senegal flagU+1F1F3
🇸🇴Somali flagU+1F1F4
🇸🇷flag of SurinameU+1F1F7
🇸🇸South Sudan flagU+1F1F8
🇸🇹Sao Tome and Principe flagU+1F1F9
🇸🇻savior flagU+1F1FB
🇸🇽Flag of Saint MartinU+1F1FD
🇸🇾flag of syriaU+1F1FE
🇸🇿Eswatini (Swaziland) flagU+1F1FF
🇹🇦Tristan da Cunha flagU+1F1E6
🇹🇨Flag of the Turks and Caicos IslandsU+1F1E8
🇹🇩flag of ChadU+1F1E9
🇹🇫Flag of the Southern Territories of FranceU+1F1EB
🇹🇬Togo flagU+1F1EC
🇹🇭flag of thailandU+1F1ED
🇹🇯flag of TajikistanU+1F1EF
🇹🇰flag of TokelauU+1F1F0
🇹🇱East Timor flagU+1F1F1
🇹🇲flag of TurkmenistanU+1F1F2
🇹🇳flag of tunisiaU+1F1F3
🇹🇴Tonga flagU+1F1F4
🇹🇷Turkey flagU+1F1F7
🇹🇹Trinidad and Tobago flagU+1F1F9
🇹🇻tuvalu flagU+1F1FB
🇹🇼Taiwan flagU+1F1FC
🇹🇿flag of TanzaniaU+1F1FF
🇺🇦Ukraine flagU+1F1E6
🇺🇬Uganda flagU+1F1EC
🇺🇲US Outlying Islands flagU+1F1F2
🇺🇳United Nations (UN) flagU+1F1F3
🇺🇸United states’s flagU+1F1F8
🇺🇾Uruguay flagU+1F1FE
🇺🇿flag of UzbekistanU+1F1FF
🇻🇦Vatican City flagU+1F1E6
🇻🇨Flag of Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesU+1F1E8
🇻🇪Venezuela flagU+1F1EA
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands flagU+1F1EC
🇻🇮US Virgin Islands flagU+1F1EE
🇻🇮flag of vietnamU+1F1F3
🇻🇺flag of VanuatuU+1F1FA
🇼🇫Flag of Wallis and FutunaU+1F1EB
🇼🇸flag of SamoaU+1F1F8
🇽🇰Kosovo flagU+1F1F0
🇾🇪Yemeni flagU+1F1EA
🇾🇹Mayotte flagU+1F1F9
🇿🇦South Africa flagU+1F1E6
🇿🇲Zambia flagU+1F1F2
🇿🇼flag of zimbabweU+1F1FC


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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